BUILDING BODY PARAGRAPHS The first topic sentence of the first paragraph will be the first reason that supports your position. You may even wish to begin the sentence with the word first to focus the reader’s attention on its importance.
FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH Write a topic sentence and three details that support the reason you believe what you believe. Repeat the process until you have three paragraphs with three different reasons and three details to support that reason.
BUILDING PARAGRAPHS The final sentence in each paragraph should sum up and make a transition to the main idea of the next paragraph.
COUNTER- ARGUMENTS Every controversial issue has two sides. Once you can support your position with research, you need to explore what others think.
ANSWERING COUNTER- ARGUMENTS Write your answers down under the counter-arguments. Now you have the raw material for each paragraph of the argumentative essay.
Counter Arguments - Rebuttals Now, address those arguments in a paragraph explaining why your position is a better one. Research what people opposed to your point of view believe. Write down three counter- arguments to your position.
Concluding Paragraph Indicate in the conclusion that you have shown the thesis statement to be true. Has a powerful ending often relating to the introduction. Do not include any new information in the conclusion. If you have not mentioned something yet in the paper, it is now too late.
What is not effective Saying the opposing viewpoint is “stupid.” Good essays are clear, calm and factual. Prove it instead. Saying negative things about groups or individuals that have different view points. This does not support your position but makes you seem petty instead.
How many paragraphs is that? 1.Intro Paragraph 2.Body Paragraph 1 3.Body Paragraph 2 4.Body Paragraph 3 5.Counterclaim/Rebuttal Paragraph – other viewpoints 6.Conclusion Paragraph