Craig Goodell will give an outline of why we are doing this and outcomes you can expect from now until April Sign the sheet on the table Each table is numbered and has a pad of paper and pens on it As we go through the slides, you will need a note taker and someone to lead the conversation For each slide, write your table number and slide number on your paper, i.e.: Table 7, Slide 2 After each discussion choose your group’s: #1 Strength, #1 Weakness, #1 Opportunity, and #1 Threat We will call on several table to report out your choices Your group’s answers will be picked up after each discussion and compiled for sharing later this winter. Pacific Northwest Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Exercise Instructions
10 minutes … What were some of the best things that happened this summer? Choose your group’s #1. #1
How did we (collectively as an organization) do in choosing Fire Management Strategies in the PNW? Consider: Fire fighter exposure Partners & landowners Long Duration Fires Cost STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS #2
Was Communication between the ground through to the State Office/Regional Office clear and open throughout PNW? Consider: Alignment and understanding between the ground, the units, the State Office/Regional Office and back again? OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES #3
How successful were we in providing Fire Integration services to the PNW? Consider: Smoke Management WFDSS Support Fire Analysis - LTAN/FBAN Prevention/Education Fuels and Vegetation Treatments Fire Ecology Resource Advisors #4 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS
How did we do with Aviation in the PNW? Consider: Transference of risk from ground resources to air resources Strategy Right tools/Right Place/Right time? Cost appropriate for values at risk? OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES #5
How successful were we in executing Incident Business in the PNW? Consider: Support to IMT’s and Host Units Expanded Dispatch Type 3 Team Support IBA’s #6 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS
How effective are our Safety programs in the PNW? Consider: Communication Response to IMT’s Response to Line Officers Responder/firefighter well being Aviators Improvements? #7 OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES
How effective are our Training programs in the PNW? Consider: Communication Response to IMT’s Response to Line Officers Responder/firefighter well being Aviators Improvements? #7 OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES
How effective are our We at taking care of ourselves and each other in the PNW? Consider: Stress (long and short term) Communication Support networks Organizational Culture #8 OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES
Thank you for your thoughtful evaluation.