1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule


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Presentation transcript:

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

cat a-e-i-o-u cake a-e-i-o-u

1 2 car pair ar er-ir-ur or air are ear eer ire ier oar ore ar - ir - or air - ear - ire - ore

cow oi - oy oo - ew - ue ou - ow au - aw - ou au-aw-ou oi-oy oo-ew-ue

1 2 cat cake a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u hen fish fox duck peach pie mule toast 2

1 2 car pair cow ar er-ir-ur or air are ear eer ire ier oar ore ar - ir - or air - ear - ire - ore cow au-aw-ou oi-oy oo-ew-ue ou-ow oi - oy oo - ew - ue ou - ow au - aw - ou

1 1 + 1 + a - e - i - o - u cat ar - ir - or car aw - al ew ow oy cow hen fish fox duck car ar - ir - or er-ir-ur bird or fork 1 + ar car cow aw - al ew ow oy aw - al ew ow oy 1 +

2 2 + 2 + a - e - i - o - u cake air - ear - ire - oar pair peach cake pie toast mule 2 air - ear - ire - oar pair air-are-ear ear-eer ire-ier oar-ore 2 + coil au - ou ue - oo ou oi au-ou ue-oo ou oi 2 +

b c c d f g g h j k kn l bike cane cent dog fan gum giraffe hat jet kite kn knee l lemon

m n p qu r s t v w x y z mop nurse pan queen rake sun tie van wig xray yo yo z zebra

br cr dr fr gr pr scr shr str thr tr wr broom crack drum frog grape pretzel scr screw shr shrink str string thr thread tr train wr wreath

bl cl fl gl pl sl ch sh th th ph wh 3rd the block clown flag glass plane sl sled ch chain sh sheep th third 3rd th the ph phone wh whale the

sc sk sm sn sp st sw spl spr squ thw tw scale skunk smile snake spill stop sw swing spl splash spr spring squ square thw thwack tw twin

b c c ck d f ff g g k l ll tub race arc clock bed leaf cliff pig cage lake l tail ll small tall

5 6 m n p s ss s t tt v x z zz ham spoon rope horse dress rose bat putt v five 5 x 6 six z prize zz Zzzz buzz

l lch ld lf lf lk ll lm lp lt lth tail mulch cold elf calf milk small tall lm fllm lp help lt belt lth wealth

ct ft lt nt pt tt dge lf gh ght mb mp act raft belt tent swept putt bridge lf calf gh laugh ght light mb thumb mp stamp

n nc nch nd ng ng nk ns ns nt th sh 10th spoon fence bench band ring sponge nk bank ns rinse ns jeans nt tent th 10th tenth sh dish

pt ps sk sm st sp ch gh lch nch ph tch swept taps desk prism cast wasp witch gh laugh lch mulch nch bench ph graph tch witch

a e i o u o a e i o u o cat hen fish fox duck dog cat hen fish fox

1 a e i o u 2 a e i o u short cat hen fish fox duck cake peach pie toast u mule long

a cake e peach i pie o toast u mule a e i o u y

2 long ai mail ay hay ea peach ee seed 2 long ie pie oa toast oe hoe

ai ea ie oa ue mail peach pie toast cue ay ee oe hay mow hoe seed

ar er ir or ur ear ar er ir or ur ear car fern bird fork spur earth

air ear are ear eer ier ire ier oar oor ore our squ chair bear square deer ier pier ire fire ier pliers oar oor door ore store our pour

aw alk au ou all alt ow oy ou ouse oi saw launch cough ball chalk salt cow cloud mouse toy coin

ew ue ui ute ow old oo oo oo oo ull blew glue fruit flute mow sold moon oo roof oo goose oo book ull bull

ance y ay ey dance gray grey key lady fly

a cake e peach i pie o toast u mule a cat e hen i fish o fox u duck

a cake e peach i pie o toast u mule a e i o y

a e i o u pt c nc sm g sh thw v w y z s van wig yo yo zebra thwack sun cat e hen i fish o fox u duck You can cut each row of dominoes and make a sound blending game. You can purchase colored die - green, yellow and red. pt swept c arc nc fence sm prism g cage sh dish