Applied user research (for interaction design): Introduction Rikard Harr November 2012
2 Outline What is Interaction design? Why do we need User Research? Course overview – Course objectives and resources – Assignments – Examinations An initial sample of methods/ approaches – Ethnography – Contextual design The end
3 Interaction design Interaction design (abbreviated as IxD) defines the structure and behavior of interactive systems. Interaction Designers strive to create meaningful relationships between people and the products and services that they use, from computers to mobile devices to appliances and beyond.(McCullough and Malcolm, 2004). …the process that is arranged within existing resource constraints to create, shape, and decide all use-oriented qualities (structural, functional, ethical, and aesthetic) of a digital artifact for one or many clients. (Löwgren and Stolterman, 2004)
4 IxD increasingly important Old world Today
5 Tomorrow
6 Why User Research? Interaction design should match the needs, expectations and capabilities of people Jacob Nielsen on user research: – User research is a reality check. It tells you what really happens when people use computers. You can speculate on what customers want, or you can find out. The latter is the more fruitful approach. Research offers an understanding of how users behave online, and is a solid foundation on which to build a design. Cost of speculation: Limited system use, conflicts, reduced efficiency, loosing customers The worst cost of speculating: Three miles island
Three Mile Island 1980 Partial core meltdown in a Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania near Harrisburg The accident could had been avoided with better designed UI A vault remained open due to a mechanical fault which aloud coolant water to escape A lamp had been designed to show when the engine that shut the vault was active, as the engine stopped as the vault was stuck, the lamp turned black. A temperature indicator that indicated high temperature were placed too far away and was not seen
8 Objectives of the course You are expected to learn a variety of concepts, approaches, and methods, which can be employed to understand users and inform the design of better interactive products To help you reach this goal there are – Classes – Literature – Assignments – Exam – Classmates
9 Assignments Observation (individual): – Observe a person working through technology – List interesting things that you observe – Reflections on technology, the technique (obs.) etc. – Write an essay Examination (Group) – Select an object of study (sports watch, GPS) website or service – Apply personas – Formulate ideas, criticism and suggestions based upon personas – Reflect on the method(s) – Present your work Work models of contextual design (Group) – Select an object of study (place, environment, organization) – Gather data – Create a flow model – Formulate ideas, criticism and suggestions – Reflect on the method – Present your work
10 Examination Keeping focused: Conceptions of and real work efficiency – Conduct three semi-structured interviews – Install RescueTime on the subjects’ computers and use their log files – Discuss your progress on Nov 21 – Write an exam essay ( words) including: – Results of interviews and data logging – Reflect on any alterations needed to be made in the progress – Discussion of your results – Discussion of method – Reflect on limitations of your study and how techniques and methods learnt on the course could have helped (at least 4) – At least five references from the course – Hand in the essay and the data you gathered – Please notice, no pilot study, one single study
11 Assignments, exams, deadlines Assignments/examinationDeadline Assignments 1. Observation (indiv.)Nov Personas (group)Nov Contextual design (group)Jan 10 Examination 4. Keeping focused(indiv.)(Nov 21)Jan 18
12 Ethnography Background in sociology and anthropology Ethnography: a branch of anthropology that deals historically with the origin and filiations of races and cultures (Websters' Third New International Dictionary, 1993) … the prominence of ethnography emerges from a growing plausibility of the diagnosis that many system problems emerge because their design pays insufficient attention to the social context of work. (Hughes et al., 1995) In the context of HCI, ethnography is a means of studying work (or other activities), it involves researchers immersing themselves in the domain being studied so as to arrive at a qualitative understanding of what is "really going on" there.
13 Guidelines for ethnography Seeks to understand settings as they naturally occur Data collection In the first instance, avoid theoretical preconceptions Respect the setting and the participants Hang around while life goes on Never be without the notebook Interpretation See the work as socially organized from within the setting Understand the work and its activities in terms that members understand and use Treat activities as situated
14 Limitations of ethnography in design The "great divide" between the concerns of engineering and concerns of the human sciences Scale, from small to large Time demanding and communication problem Changed role of “researcher” Alternative types of ethnography Focused approaches to ethnography – Concurrent ethnography e.g. Air Traffic Control – Quick and dirty ethnography – Evaluative ethnography, e.g. customer relations at a front desk – Re-examination of previous studies
15 Contextual design Developed to handle data collection and analysis from fieldwork for developing a software-based product Holtzblatt’s approach was to adapt ethnographic research methods to fit the time and resource constraints of engineering (Holtzblatt and Beyer, 1993) Used quite widely commercially Contextual Design has seven parts: Contextual inquiry, Work modelling, Consolidation, Work redesign, User environment design, Mock-up and test with customers, Putting it into Practice
16 Contextual inquiry An approach to field study where user is expert, designer is apprentice A form of interview, but — at users’ workplace (workstation) — 2 to 3 hours long Team interpretation sessions – Cross-functional teams meet to hear the whole story of an interview, combines unique perspectives Four main principles: — Context: see workplace & what happens — Partnership: user and developer collaborate — Interpretation: observations interpreted by user and developer together — Focus: project focus to help understand what to look for
17 Work models Grounds the team conversation in explicit representations In interpretation session, models are drawn from the observations: – Work flow model: the people, communication and co- ordination – Sequence model: detailed work steps to achieve a goal – (Artifact model: the physical ‘things’ created to do the work) – Cultural model: constraints on the system from organizational culture – Physical model: physical structure of the work, e.g. office layout
18 Work flow model
19 Consolidation, work redesign and user environment design Consolidated work models Work models need to be consolidated into one view of the work Affinity diagram Organizes interpretation session notes into common structures and themes Categories arise from the data Work redesign, what do we want work to be like? Our best ideas for improving the work often comes from seeing how a particular person or group has solved their own problems (Holtzblatt and Beyer 1993) Build new models of all types and design
© Rikard Harr20 Affinity diagram
© Rikard Harr21 Affinity diagram, more
© Rikard Harr22 Affinity diagram, even more
© Rikard Harr The end