Parvati Group – Shikshapatri Shlok 38,161
SHLOK 38. My disciples shall never wear garments, which may cause any indecent exposure of the body.
Definition Deliberate exposure by a person of a portion or portions of his or her own body under circumstances where such an exposure is likely to be seen as contrary to the local commonly accepted standards of decency Our standards are stated in Shikshapatri shlok 161 It can be a violation of law. In some countries a breach of the standards of modesty may constitute public indecency. e.g Most Middle East Countries.
If women want respect and not to be treated as a “piece of meat, sex toy etc.” they need to exhibit modesty in their dress and behaviour in public.”
Women should not behave in a way that attracts undesirable male attention.
CLOTHING CONDUCT. Today’s Society Universities Working
What more Now we go to the extension of this subject Shreejee maharaj says more in shlok 161
SHLOK 161 Devout wives shall always keep their bodies covered by a garment and never expose their navel, breasts, or thighs to other men. They shall not watch vulgar shows, nor shall they associate with debauched or immoral women.
Why not? Showing? They attract the attention of men Men see it as an appeal. Vulgar Shows? What is Vulgar show? Going to watch shows where people act inappropriately Club Dance, Casino’s, Disco’s Associate with debauched or immoral? They corrupt us morally. They lead us away from excellence or virtue.
Due to such revealing of our body parts we are the ones who bear the sins.
We close the doors of Akshardham.
Rape Statistics Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. information/statistics/frequency-of-sexual-assault information/statistics/frequency-of-sexual-assault Over half of the women surveyed (57%) had experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence over their lifetime. Australia comes third after, South Africa and Seychelles, in Rapes per capita. (US – 9), (UK – 13), (India - 56) rapes-per-capita rapes-per-capita All due to Indecent Clothing