How are you today? I am good. I am happy. I am hungry. I am sad. I am so-so. I am sleepy. I am exhausted.
What’s the weather like today?
It is sunny. It is cold. It is cloudy. It is wet. It is rainy. There are puddles on the ground.
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
ck [k] sh [ʃ][ʃ] ch [t ʃ ] ee [i:] oo [ U :] th[ θ ] [ ð ] all [ ɔ l]
rosy at home go to school go home go to the zoo go to bed
rosy at home go to school go home go to the zoo go to bed
1.Чи ти ходиш до школи?- Так. 2.Чи він живе в Лондоні? – Ні. 3.Чи вона ходить до школи?- Так. 4.Чи ти любиш молоко?- Ні. 5.Що тобі подобається?- Мені подобається ця рожева сукня. Do you go to school?- Yes, I do. Does he live in London?- No, he does not. Does she go to school?- Yes, she does. Do you like milk?- No, I do not. What do you like?- I like this rosy dress.
window house
OW [ α u] [ou] down brown clown town owl flower crown how now row sow showsnow blow crow yellow window wow
ou [au] house mouse found cloud blouse about count round pound sound around proud
Ex. 2, p. 62
a window
a window-sill
a flower
a house
to water flowers
Ex. 4, p. 63
I you we they go run jump like
He She It goes runs jumps likes
go run jump like I you we they do not
go run jump like He She It does not
Do I you we they go run jump like ?
Doe s He She It go run jump like ?
November, 19 Class Work Ex.
live in that brown house. I do not live in that brown house. Do you live in that yellow house?- No, I do not. I
likes yellow roses. -My sister does not like yellow roses. - Does my sister like yellow roses?- Yes, she does. My sister
Homework 1)Ex. 3, p. 62 2)Ex. 8, p. 64 (R) 3)Ex. 9, p. 65 (W)