Oral Assessment in Modern History Empathy Task
Giving Talks -Why is it SO Hard? Talking in front of your peers- is it the closest experience to contemplating death?; Being marked and ranked by usually two teachers; Valuing the importance of oral history Interpreting two sources related to your topic
The Task
Task Continued So select one of the key features and issues Key features and issues: nature and role of nationalism nature and role of communism nature and consequences of US involvement strategies and tactics impact of the war on civilians in Indochina attempts at peacemaking reasons for communist victory
Getting Students to engage with the syllabus through the process. The key features and issues are the stems of the HSC questions. By completing this task, it allows them some scope on how to respond to HSC essay questions.
Task Requirements
Preparation for the Task Start your speech by saying “I am……; the key feature I will examine is and……the learn about I have researched is……. You will have 6 minutes to identify the key feature and the learn about topic. You must be able to show how you have analysed two sources in your speech and give the perspective of the individual or group regarding the event you are researching. If you use a powerpoint, limit the number of slides you have as we would like you to see how well you have understood your character in the context of the area of research you have done. To successfully complete this task, students are to bring 2 sources of their own choosing to the class on the day as part of your speech.. Other sources should be referred to in the response 2 sources to be stapled to the back of your typed out speech. Put your name and your class teacher on the cover and put in a plastic sheet protector.
Explicit teaching of what is required in the task Much discussion occurs after the task is handed out. Again being explicit in what is required and getting feedback from the students with questions is pivotal in getting students to produce a quality speech. What might seem straight forward to you may be quite daunting to a student who struggles with interpreting sources or understanding what it means to walk in someone’s shoes with the empathy task.
They will never expect it- glitter during the flower power speech Perfect- then I will baffle them with aliens!!!
Explicit teaching of what is required in the task Do I have to dress up? Usually some students use one prop but many choose not to do that. Palm cards? How will I be marked? How many slides or do I have to use slides? How do I integrate the sources I use in my speech? What key terms should I use?
Examples of PERSPECTIVE Time Gender Power/Authority Partisanship Proximity Social Class Nationality (be careful !!)
Getting the right source
Props and other things
So how are the speeches organised by students?
Being brave enough to look at a different angle
South Vietnamese Soldier
Personal journeys