Language Points 1.We should build a better society in h___________ with nature. 2.We must _______ ( 强调) the need for equality and fairness in the world.


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Presentation transcript:

Language Points

1.We should build a better society in h___________ with nature. 2.We must _______ ( 强调) the need for equality and fairness in the world. 3. Teachers have the ________________ ( 责任) to look afteer students at school. 4. It was the people ‘s w________ to work hard and well that impressed me most. 5.P_________ still exists in some poor rural areas. 6. People all over the world are against _________ ( 暴力)。 more and more people pay attention to ____________ ( 环境) protection. 8.Conference ________________ ( 代表) present their opinions for ordinary people harmony stress responsibility willingness overty violence environmental representatives

1.The first paragraph mainly tells us _______. A. where the Earth Summit was held B. when the Earth Summit is held C. how people discuss the most important problems D. what is the function of the Earth Summit 2.Which is TRUE about the Earth Summit? A. It’s held every 3 years in Stockholm, Sweden. B. So far it has been held twice: in 1972 and in C. “ Sustainable development” is the only theme of the summit. D. At the summit people discuss how to take good care of the earth.

3."Sustainable development " was brought forth ___. A. at the Stockholm Summit B. at the Johannesburg Earth Summit C. by the World Health Organization D. by China's former Premier Zhu Rongji 4. Which of the following is the main cause of millions of deaths in rural areas ? A Lack of drinking water B. Poor sanitation C. Air pollution D. Freezing cold

5. According to the text, air pollution alone causes about____ of all the deaths in the world. A. 6.5% B. 15% C. 20% D. 35% 6. What do the “big three” refer to according to the passage? A. Contaminated drinking water, poor sanitation and air pollution B. Poverty, war and violence C. Food, clothing and shelter D. Clean water, good environment and easy transportation

7. Most of the deaths caused by air pollution happen in the countryside mainly because_____. A. the environment is badly being damaged B. wood and coal are widely used in rural area C. a large part of forests has been cut down D. it ’ s a big problem in developing countries 8. The third paragraph suggests that ______. A. it is not too late for us to do something to save the earth B. we needn't be so worried about the environment of the earth C. there are problems facing the earth, but not serious enough D. we will change our way of life sooner or later

9.At the summit, China ’ s then Premier Zhu Rongji probably mentioned the following EXCEPT ____. A. international cooperation B. sustainable development C. ways of preventing AIDS from spreading D. equality and fairness in the world 10. One visitor ’ s words are quoted in the text in order to show __. A. that the Earth Summit is very popular among ordinary people B. that we can help save the earth by changing our way of life C. how we can develop the world without damaging the environment D. how people can stop the death and suffering caused by the “ big three ”

11. The key to solving the major problems facing the earth is __. A. to educate the people of the world B. to improve the living conditions of the people C. to treat people equally and fairly D. to hold conferences like the Earth Summit frequently 12. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage ? A. Different countries have different opinions about development B. Equality and fairness are badly needed in the today's world C. The Earth Summit, a way to save the earth D. Sustainable development, the future for the world

Language Points

content (1) n. 内容, 目录 I always read the contents of a book first of all. (2) adj. 满足的,满意的 (= satisfied) be content with… 对 …… 感到满意 be content to do sth. 乐意做 …… ;甘愿做 …… Don’t be content (satisfied) with small success. I’m content to remain where I am now. (3)v. 使 … 满足 content (satisfy) sb./ oneself with… 使某人 ( 自己 ) 对 … 满足 We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.

the highest point; top of a mountain meeting between the heads of two or more countries

a summit talk a summit meeting 最高级会谈 最高级会议 Earth Summit 地球峰会

20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water. 世界上 20% 的人口喝不到清洁的饮用水. on earth 世界上,多用于加强最高级的语气 e.g. I’m the luckiest man on earth. 我是世界上最幸运的人。 on earth 用在 when,what,who, where… 之后 用来加强语气,意为 “ 究竟,到底 ” e.g. 1.What on earth do you mean ? 你究竟是什么意思? 2. What on earth is the matter there? on the earth 在地球上

have/get access to 通路;通道;接近(或进 入)的方法或权利、机会等 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. Every student has free access to the school library. He is too serious, so it is difficult to get access to him. Before liberation, the laboring people had no access to education. =have the free right to use…

5. alone adv. 单独地, 独自地 (动词) [ 用在名词或代词之后 ] 只有, 唯有, 仅仅 adj. [ 只作表语 ] 单独的 ; 孤独的, 独自的 ; 独一无二的 Air pollution alone causes almost three million deaths. (p.68) He alone is not responsible for it. Money alone cannot make you happy. He did it all alone. I ’ m alone but I ’ m not lonely.

If we are to develop the world successfully, we must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we create. be +to do sth 表示安排, 命令,职责, 命中注 定等含义。 1.We are to meet at the school gate. 2. You are to be back by 10 o’clock. 3. They are never to meet again. 4. A knife is to cut with.

all too… 是习惯用语,意思为: “ 太 ” 常用与 all too often; all too quickly All too often, I asked parents for some money when I was a little child. The holidays flew by all too quickly. stress V. 着重;强调 The English teachers always stressed the importance of reading aloud. lay//place/put stress on/upon… 把重点放在 …… 上 My parents lay great stress on honesty.

take action= take steps / measures We should take some steps / measures to prevent factories from sending waste into rivers and lakes.

1. The policeman should take action 2. The doctor should take action 3. Mr. Bush will take action 4. The soldiers will take action 5. We should take action to save those who are in great danger. if a patient is dying. if there is a traffic accident. to protect endangered animals. if Ben Laden appears in Washington D.C.

A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act. 本句中 as 作为关系代词代表前面主句的意思, 与 so 的用法相同. 1.He is a pilot, as(=so) are his brothers. 2.He believed, as( 正如 …) did his family, that you were telling the truth. 3. As has been announced, we should have final exam next month.

Air pollution ____ causes almost three million deaths. Most deaths happen in _____ areas. If we are to develop the world successfully, we must make sure that every one is able to take part in the new world we _____. Rich countries have a ___________ towards poor countries and must do ________ they can to help others. The message is spreading ______ the world and many students are learning more about “ earth_______ ” in school. A better understanding of the environment is necessary, ____ is the willingness to act. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in ________ with nature and _____ an end to the death suffering ______ by the big three.And if poverty is ____ of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see _____ violence and ______ wars. alone rural create responsibility whatever across issues as harmonyput caused less fewer

be in harmony with: agree with; be in a state of agreement 与 … 相一致, 相协调 Your taste is in harmony with/ agrees with mine. Tom and I worked together in harmony for years. The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture. a harmonious atmosphere 和睦的气氛 The dog always bullies the cat—they always live out of harmony . With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature and perhaps put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three.

put an end to… 结束,制止 Let’s put an end to this quarrel. bring…to an end 使结束 He brought his lecture to an end around ten o’clock. come to an end 完毕,结束 The meeting came to an end early.

wipe out 擦洗 … 的内部, 去除, 消灭 Could you wipe out the bath? He tried to wipe out the memory of his former girlfriend. Some experts warned that global warming will wipe out one million species. Man must put an end to war, or war will wipe out man.

4. there is a...chance … there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars . (P.68) possibility( 可能性 ) 或 likelihood that something will happen There is a good chance that I ’ ll finish the work tomorrow.

take action/ in harmony with / put an end to / wipe out /take part in / have access to / be responsible for 1. Today, people often miss the simple but beautiful days when man lived _______________nature 2. __________before it is too late. Leave a beautiful planet to the coming generations. 3. Some experts warned the global warming will ______ one million species. 4. Man must _________war, or war will ________man. 5. Many people ___________the Earth Day activities which aimed to make people more aware of the need to protect our living environment. 6. Students ______________the information of that kind. 7. Drivers _______________their passengers’ safety in harmony with Take action wipe out put an end to took part in have access to are responsible for wipe out

attend/ take part in/ join in/join  My father ______ the army when he was 18 years old.  You go first. I’ll _____ soon.  Would you _____ us_____ dancing?  My dream of ____________ the Olympic Games has been realized. 5. Every student is required to _________ professor Wang’s lecture. joined join joinedin taking part in attend

Coal is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause serous pollution.(P.66) 1) 木材被用来造纸。 2) 他已习惯了早起。 Wood is used to make paper. He has been used to getting up early.

过去他总起得晚。 He used to get up late. 他过去喜欢吃苹果吗? Used he to like apples? Did he use to like apple? You used to swim,_________________? didn ’ t you /usedn ’ t you

Language points: 1 可持续发展 2 取得进步 3 继续做某事 4 据 …… 所说 5 世界上;到底 6 有 …… 的机会 sustainable development make much/ little progress continue doing/ to do according to on earth have access to 讲

7 对 …… 负责 8 尽力做 … 9 采取行动做 … 10 有影响, 起作用 have a responsibility for be responsible to sb. be responsible for sth. sb. do whatever sb. can to do take action to do make a difference

11 是 …… 的关键 12 和睦,融洽 13 结束 14 擦洗 ,去除, 消灭 15 有 …… 的机会 the key to sth./doing sth. in harmony with … put an end to wipe out There is a good chance that…

put an end to/ wipe out / be contaminated with/ take part in/ take action/ be to/ together with/ in harmony with/ have access to 1.Many students still don’t have access to a personal computer, because it is too expensive. 2.Eric was unable to take part in the match because of his recent accident. 3.The government must take action to solve the problem of unemployment.] 4.John’s tastes are in harmony with mine; we spend a lot of time together.

5. Terrorism is a big danger; all the governments should work together to put an end to it. 6. In the movie, the whole town was wiped out in the war, which showed the cruelty of the war. 7. The town’s drinking water was contaminated with poisonous chemicals. 8. The pop star, together with his wife and children, is going to Xi’an for a visit. 9. They are to be married in July; the wedding ceremony will take place in the city church.

1. Developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible. 2. There exist serious problems and… 3. Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth. 4. Had I known that air conditioners cause Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. 6. …, as is the willing to the act.

倒装 部分倒装: 即谓语的一部分(如助动词 did/have/does 等)提到主语的前面 全部倒装:谓语全部提到主语的前面

Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible. 这是倒装句. 把 neither/nor 放在句首, 表示前面否定的 内容也适用与另一个人或物. 其句型 是 :neither/nor+be(have/ 助动词/情态动词)+主 语 Tom isn’t a doctor. I am not a doctor, either.  Tom isn’t a doctor, neither/nor am I. My teacher didn’t agree with him. I didn’t agree with him either.  My teacher didn’t agree with him, neither/nor did I. I have never been to Beijing, neither/nor has he.

I like traveling. He likes traveling too.  I like traveling, so does he. Her father is a doctor. Her mother is a doctor too.  Her father is a doctor, so is her mother. He has been to Beijing twice. I have been to Beijing too.  He has been to Beijing twice. So have I.

注意 : 若前面为两个或两个以上的分句, 表示不同的 主语与前面有关的各种情况相同, 往往用 : So it is/was with + 主语 It is the same with + 主语 Tom is an American, but lives in China, _________________/______________. it is the same with Jack so it is with Jack

Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth. 这是倒装句. 由 only+ 状语结构的词位于句首时, 句子采用部分倒装结构 1.Only in this way can you solve the problem. 2.Only then did I realize my mistakes. 3.Only when he was 9 years old was he able to go to school. 4.Only socialism can save China.

Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. =We will not be able to improve the situation until we know more. =It is not until we know more that we will be able to improve the situation. e.g. Jack didn ’ t understand why his mother was angry with him until she told him everything. =Not until his mother told him everything did Jack understand why she was angry with him. =It was not until his mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.

Not only ____ polluted,but ____ crowded. A. was the city, were the streets B. the city was, were the streets C. was the city, the streets were D. the city was, the streets were Not only + 倒装语序,but also 语序不变

当 not only…but also… 位于句首连接两个并 列的主语时, 主谓不倒装 Not only she but also I am from the south. 含有否定意义的副词或连词:如 hardly/never/not/little 等放在句首时,用倒装 Never have I realized that water is so precious. There exist serious problems and there is still time to take action. There be/ exist/ stand/ lie/ live… 的句型 Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman on the island.

If 从句中若含有 should, had 或者 were ,那么就可以把它们放在 句首,与主语颠倒形成倒装,但动词过去式不可以与主语倒装。 如果他在,他会来帮助我们。 Were he here, he would come to help us. 假如你刚才在这里,你就会遇见她。 Had you been here just now, you would have met her. 假如我明天看见他,我就会告诉他关于这一切。 Should I see him tomorrow, I would tell him about it. If he were here, he would come to help us.  If you had been here just now, you would have met her.  If I should see him tomorrow, I would tell him about it.

1.We can finish the work on time only by seizing every minute. ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ finish the work on time. 2.I have never heard such nonsense in all my life. ___ ___ ___ heard such nonsense in all my life. 3.A piece of paper was folded in the pocket. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a piece of paper. 4.He little realizes how important this heart operation is. ___ ___ ___ ____ how important this heart operation is. 5.Churchill was not only a statesman but also a poet. ___ ___ ___ Churchill a statesman but also a poet. Only by seizing every minute can we Never have I Folded in the pocket was Little does he realize Not only was

1.Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know much about global warming. It was not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV that we knew much about global warming. 2. Only by learning to live in harmony with nature can we save the earth. 3. Only after the meeting did I know that air pollution causes almost three million deaths every year. 4. Never will I forget the day when I made a very important speech on the Earth Day Summit. 5. Not only is the Earth Summit a place to talk about problems, but it also is a place to find solutions for the future. Not only is the Earth Summit a place to talk about problems, it is a place to find solutions for the future.

Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible 这是倒装句. 由 nor,neither,not,hardly 等表示否定 意思的词位于句首时句子采用部分倒装结构. 1.Never have I met him. 2.Seldom have we seen such big melons. 3.Hardly had she entered the house when she heard the dog barking.

Only by changing the way we live can we save earth. 这是倒装句. 由 only+ 状语结构的词位 于句首时句子采用部分倒装结构 1.Only in this way can you solve the problem. 2.Only then did I realize my mistakes. 3.Only when he was 9 years old was he able to go to school.

1. 1. In 1972, the United Nations held a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden to share ideas about how we can save the earth. 3. The “big three” causes almost three million deaths. 2. In Johannesburg, experts from all over the world spoke about different topics and discussed new ways to solve the problems facing our planet now.

4. In the world, developing countries can prosper on their own. 5. We can save the earth by changing the way we live every day.