INTRODUCTION Caused by an Alpha Virus Spread by bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito which usually bite during day light hours. the name is derived from Swahili word meaning “that which bends up” Chikungunya (CHIK) virus first isolated from the serum of a febrile human in Tanzania in Chik virus has caused numerous out breaks in Africa and South Eastern Asia, involving hundreds and thousands of people.
CLINICAL FEATURES Acute viral infection of abrupt onset. Heralded by fever and severe arthralgia. Followed by other constitutional symptoms like head ache, photo phobia, retrorbital pain, conjunctival infection and rash. Lasting for period of 1 to 7 days. Incubation period is usually 2 to 3 days. Rarely can result in meningo – encephalitis
MANAGEMENT OF CASES No specific treatment for Chikungunya Illness is usually self limiting and will resolve with time. Support care with rest is indicated. Non asprin and non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are recommended. Unresolved arthritis refractory to NSAID, chloroqine 250mg is recommended
DIAGNOSIS Suspect Case Characteristic triad of fever, rash and rheumatic manifestations Probable Case As above with positive serology from single sample Confirmed Case A probable case with any of the following Four fold HI antibody difference in paired serum samples. Detection of IgM antibodies. Virus isolation from serum. Detection of Chikungunya virus nucleic acid in sera by RT - PCR
LABORATORIES WORKING ON CHIKUNGUNYA 1.National Institute of Virology, Pune 2.National Institute of Communicable diseases, Delhi. 3.King Institute, Guindy, Chennai (Shortly). Transport specimens to the laboratory at 2 – 8 o C as soon as possible Do not freeze whole blood. If more than 24 hrs delay is expected, serum should be sent
PREVENTION AND CONTROL No vaccines or specific medication available. Vector control is thus very important. Elimination of breeding sites, or source reduction is an effective method of control. Protection from mosquito bites by curtains / nets. Fogging with insecticide spray Intensification of surveillance. Community sensitization by IEC activities.