X ray conference 報告者: fellow 1 陳筱惠
Case 01
Patient Profile Name: 紀 O 雀 Sex: female Age: 72-year-old Chart number: Date of admission: 2012/05/01
Chief Complaint Sudden onset of right flank pain for 1 day
Present Illness Underlying heart disease Sudden onset of right flank pain for 1 day Associated S/S: fever and nausea, no hematuria, frequency, or other urinary symptoms
Past History Unkown heart diseases before, other significant systemic diseases: denied Current medicine: nil
Personal History Allergy: no known allergy Alcohol: denied; betel-nut: denied; cigarette: denied Over-the-counter medication or chinese herb: nil
Family History No family history of malignancy, bleeding diathesis, heart, liver, kidney, or hereditary diseases
Physical Examination Vital signs: blood pressure: 144/89mmHg; temperature: 37.2‘C; pulse rate: 141/min; respiratory rate: 20/min General appearance: acute ill looking Eye: conjunctiva: pale, sclera: no icteric Neck: supple, no lymphadenopathy or jugular vein engorgement Chest: symmetric expansion breathing sound: bilateral clear heart sound: regular heart beats, no S3 or S4, no murmurs Abdomen: soft, flat, no tenderness, muscle guarding, or rebounding liver/spleen: impalpable bowel sound: normoactive Back: right flank knocking pain Extremities: no lower limb pitting edema Skin: intact, no rash
Laboratory data – 04/30 WBC16.4x1000/ul Hgb9.8 g/dl Hct29.5 % MCV88.9 fl PLT189 x1000/uL Segment87 % Sugar249 mg/dl BUN24.5 mg/dl Creatinine1.53 mg/dl Lipase29 IU/L Alk-p61 IU/L GPT20 IU/L Na137 mEq/L K4.8 mEq/L CRP74.17 mg/L
Urinalysis – 04/30 04/30 urine culture: - ColorYellow TurbidityClear SP. Gravity1.087 PH5.5 Leukocyte- Nitrite- Protein2+ GlucoseTrace Ketone- Urobilinogen0.1 Bilirulin- BloodTrace RBC3/uL WBC0/uL Epithelial cell1/uL
Abdominal CT – 04/30
Heterogenous content mass (83x85x50-mm) seemingly derived from the R’t renal cortex. Presence of contrast extravsation seen in the delay phase suggestive of low-pressure bleeding. Hemorrhage infiltration in the subcapsular, peri and para-renal space. No discernible enhancing soft tissue inside the hematoma No evidenced of blood clots in the collecting system or urinary bladder
Angiography – 05/01 A small pseudoaneurysm in the branch of right superior renal artery without contrast extravasation Transcatheter angiographic embolization
Hospitalization course 5/17 urologist’s consultation: right angiomyolipoma (AML) with bleeding ▫Conservative treatment ▫Elective exploratory laparotomy for kidney hematoma/nephrectomy 5/24 kidney echo 6/8 uro opd: follow up CT
Discussion – spontaneous renal bleeding Wünderlich's syndrome: causes, diagnosis and radiological management Clin Radiol Sep; 57 (9): 840-5
Etiologies: ▫61.5% tumor (31.5% malignant, 29.7% benign) ▫17% vascular disease ▫2.4% infection ▫6.7% idiopathic Etiology of spontaneous perirenal hemorrhage: A meta-analysis. J Urol 2002;167:1593-6
Managements: ▫Radical nephrectomy For high incidence of small renal tumors when no apparent etiology and normal contralateral kidney with careful pathologic examination Spontaneous subcapsular renal hematoma: Diagnosis and management. J Urol 1988; 139: Nonfatty lesions other than hematoma Rational approach to evaluation and management of spontaneous perirenal hemorrhage. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1990; 170; ▫Operative exploration: Not necessary because of the diagnostic accuracy of CT Spontaneous subcapsular and perirenal hematomas. Radiology 1989; 172: ▫Follow- up CT at 3 month intervals until hematoma resolves and a definite diagnosis is possible
Case 02
Patient Profile Name: 詹 O 燕 Sex: female Age: 46-year-old Chart number: Date of admission: 2012/05/12
Chief Complaint Right flank pain for days
Present Illness Underlying diseases: hypertension Right flank pain for days, with radiation to back Associated S/S: mild fever, no dysuria or hematuria LMD: treated as right acute pyelonephritis ▫Left renal mass was noticed accidentally.
Past History Underlying diseases: hypertension Other significant systemic diseases: denied Current medicine: antibiotics for APN
Personal History Allergy: no known allergy Alcohol: denied; betel-nut: denied; cigarette: denied Over-the-counter medication or chinese herb: nil
Family History No family history of diabetes mellutis, malignancy, bleeding diathesis, heart, liver, kidney, or hereditary diseases
Physical Examination Vital signs: blood pressure: 125/78mmHg; temperature: 37.8‘C; pulse rate: 75/min; respiratory rate: 18/min General appearance: acute ill looking Eye: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera: no icteric Neck: supple, no lymphadenopathy or jugular vein engorgement Chest: symmetric expansion breathing sound: bilateral clear heart sound: regular heart beats, no S3 or S4, no murmurs Abdomen: soft, flat, no abdominal tenderness, muscle guarding, or rebounding liver/spleen: impalpable bowel sound: norm-oactive Back: mild right flank knocking pain Extremities: no lower limb pitting edema Skin: intact, no rash
Laboratory data – 05/11 WBC9.4x1000/ul Hgb12.9 g/dl Hct36.6 % MCV93.6 fl PLT371x1000/uL Segment65 % Meta-Myelocyte3% BUN14.9 mg/dl Creatinine1.01 mg/dl GPT32 IU/L NA138 mEq/L K3.5 mEq/L Sugar123 mg/dl
Urinalysis – 05/11 05/11 urine culture: E.coli ColorYellow TurbidityClear SP. Gravity1.014 PH6.5 LeukocyteTrace Nitrite- Protein1+ Glucose- Ketone- Urobilinogen0.1 Bilirulin- Blood3+ bacteria+ RBC111/uL WBC38/uL Epithelial cell13/uL
Abdominal CT – 05/09
Hospitalization course 5/12 urine cytology: negative for malignancy Urologist’s consultation note: left renal mass, suspect hemorrhagic cyst, rule out renal cell carcinoma Suggest surgical intervention
Case 03
Patient Profile Name: 蔡 O 梅 Sex: female Age: 56-year-old Chart number: Date of admission: 2012/05/14
Chief Complaint Progressive left flank pain for 1 week
Present Illness Status post L’t ESWL in 2012/03, then double J drainage during 2012/ /04 for left side renal stone with obstruction and UTI Recurrent left flank pain for 1 week Associated S/S: fever/chills and dysuria, no hematuria
Past History Status post L’t ESWL in 2012/03, then double J drainage during 2012/ /04 for left side renal stone with obstruction and UTI Hypertension and diabetes mellitus under medication control, other significant systemic diseases: denied Current medicine: anti-hypertensive medication and oral hypoglycemia agent from LMD
Personal History Allergy: no known allergy Alcohol: denied; betel-nut: denied; cigarette: denied Over-the-counter medication or chinese herb: nil
Family History No family history of diabetes mellutis, malignancy, bleeding diathesis, heart, liver, kidney, or hereditary diseases
Physical Examination Vital signs: blood pressure: 137/71mmHg; temperature: 37.3‘C; pulse rate: 103/min; respiratory rate: 18/min General appearance: acute ill looking Eye: conjunctiva: mild pale, sclera: no icteric Neck: supple, no lymphadenopathy or jugular vein engorgement Chest: symmetric expansion breathing sound: bilateral clear heart sound: regular heart beats, no S3 or S4, no murmurs Abdomen: soft, flat, no abdominal tenderness, muscle guarding or rebounding liver/spleen: impalpable bowel sound: normoactive Back: left flank knocking pain Extremities: no lower limb pitting edema Skin: intact, no rash
Laboratory lab – 05/12 WBC10.5x1000/ul Hgb11.6 g/dl Hct34.3 % MCV82.5 fl PLT192x1000/uL Segment73.5 % Sugar173 mg/dl BUN8.9 mg/dl Creatinine0.77 mg/dl GPT22 IU/L NA135 mEq/L K3.2 mEq/L CRP32.39 mg/L
Urinalysis – 05/12 05/12 urine culture: - ColorOrange TurbidityCloudy SP. Gravity1.011 PH6.0 Leukocyte1+ Nitrite+ Protein- Glucose- KetoneTrace Urobilinogen1.0 Bilirulin- Blood- RBC0/uL WBC3/uL Epithelial cell1/uL
Kidney echo – 05/12
Left kidney: 10.3 cm, right kidney: 11.4 cm There is a heterogenous hypoechoic lesion (7.6 x 3.7 cm) in the middle portion of the left kidney with extravasation to the outer surface of the left renal capsule. Suspect hematoma with central necrosis or secondary infection and local extravasation to the perirenal region No obvious evidence of renal stone, mass or cyst
Abdominal CT – 05/14
Subcapsular cystic mass (50x37-mm) that in thick-wall and focal penetrating into the regional posterior pararenal space related to local infiltrative mass Sugges L’t renal abscess with local rupture associated regional infiltration, DDx: cystic tumor
Hospitalization course 5/15 CT guided pigtail drainage of left renal abscess, pus culture: E.coli
Thanks for your listening
Kidney echo – 05/24
Left kidney: 10.7 cm, right kidney: 11.6 cm There is one hetergenous mass lesion in the low pole of right kidney (6.8 cm x 7.0 cm) The right kidney is surround by some hypoechoic substance suspecting hematoma.