K RIEL C OLLIERY -1--1- Anglo Coal Contractor Management.


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Presentation transcript:

K RIEL C OLLIERY Anglo Coal Contractor Management

K RIEL C OLLIERY Responsibilities placed on the Manager by the MHSA and Mining Charter Appoint responsible and competent supervisors Conduct appropriate Hazard identification and Risk assessments Provide Health and Safety training Design, implementation and maintenance of systems Closing the loop by means of audits and over inspections Give preference to HDSA’s

K RIEL C OLLIERY Stages of Contract Management Commercial Contract Statutory Letters of Appointment The Contract Management Pack

K RIEL C OLLIERY The Commercial Contract Mining Charter item 4,6 requires procurement on 3 stages: – Capital Groups – Services – Consumables Preferred supplier status is to be given to HDSA’s, where possible in all 3 stages Compliance to this is generally done during the commercial engagement process, alternatively it must be done in the Contractors Pack

K RIEL C OLLIERY Statutory Letter of Appointment A site Manager is Appointed by the Mine Manager in terms of Section 7(4) read together with the Minerals Act Regulation It is not appropriate to appoint a Manager who is not on site A business unit can be criticized for “absent” supervision in the event of the appointment not being made

K RIEL C OLLIERY Statutory Letter of Appointment Depending on the scope of the contract various other appointments are made which are: – Site Supervisors – Safety Officers – Safety Representatives – Authorizations to operate mobile mining equipment (Minerals Act Regulation 18)

K RIEL C OLLIERY Why a Contractor Management Pack? Where there is work there is risk Contractors perform work Risk requires controls Controls needs to be documented Documents needs to be available

K RIEL C OLLIERY The Contractor Management Pack Access control procedures Legal appointments for both contractor manager as well as a mine official that shall be responsible to assist the manager to oversee the activities of the contractor whilst on the mine Very important to make this appointment Written agreement of Safety and Health, this includes workmen’s compensation issues, public liability insurance, Simrac levies etc.

K RIEL C OLLIERY The Contractor Management Pack Details of the contractor employees i.e.; Names, Surname, Marital status, Residential address, Next of kin, Medical certificate of fitness and expiry dates and Proof of competence. Supervisory undertakings by the contractor supervisors Hazard identification sheet which informs the contractor of what hazards exists in the area where work is to be performed

K RIEL C OLLIERY -10- The Contractor Management Pack Authorization to bring equipment onto mine premises. Summary sheet of logbook system employed by the contractor. Issue based risk assessment format on which the contractor records what controls their company will have in place

K RIEL C OLLIERY -11- The Contractor Management Pack Safety inspection sheet that must be used by the contractor to conduct safety inspection Safety meeting record sheet where issues raised by the contractor employees can be recorded and what actions has been taken Sunday or Public holiday work permission Contractor monthly timesheet Industrial relations assessment

K RIEL C OLLIERY -12- Possible future amendments Contract Risk Ranking Matrix – originated from Ingwe and modified to suit Anglo Coal Q:\Share\Safety 2003\CONTRACTOR RISK MATRIX.xls Q:\Share\Safety 2003\CONTRACTOR RISK MATRIX.xls Documents can be mailed to Company to enable them to get compliant for the type of work that they specialize in resulting in a reduction in time to get set-up - saving them time and us money

K RIEL C OLLIERY -13- Questions?