Everything is made up of atoms Atoms are listed in the Periodic Table.


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Presentation transcript:

Everything is made up of atoms Atoms are listed in the Periodic Table

What’s the difference between atoms and molecules? Atoms are like letters (93 kinds found in nature) Molecules are like words (millions of atom combinations)

If everything is made of atoms, what are you made of? ATOMS You are a bag of chemicals

What kind of atoms are we made of? Almost all (99 percent) of our bodies are made of HYDROGEN OXYGEN CARBON NITROGEN The rest are called TRACE elements and they even include URANIUM (Yikes)

If you’re made of atoms, how do you grow bigger? How do you move?

YOU EAT: Food is divided into 4 categories: Proteins Lipids (Fats) Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA)

PROTEIN 3D structure of Glycine tofu Chicken Steak Fish nuts

What do proteins do for you? –Provide structural material –Help chemicals react –Remember the question: How do you grow?


Simple sugars Complex Carbohydrates

What do carbohydrates do for you? –Provide energy –Remember the question: How do you move? –When carbs are digested, broken apart, energy in atomic bonds is released

LIPIDS Stearic acid Found in bacon & butter

What do lipids do for you? –They store energy. –If body doesn’t need extra energy, it is stored in fat molecules and used later –(Hopefully)

Nucleic Acids

What do nucleic acids do for you? –DNA: Makes you you –In every single one of your cells –Directs everything from food digestion to hair color to fingernail growth to…

Our bodies take in chemicals by eating food We get energy and raw materials by breaking that food apart inside our bodies

Digestion Digestion begins in the mouth, and then goes into the stomach and intestines Digestion is the process of breaking apart molecular bonds to “capture” energy in cell mitochondria Energy is stored in ATP molecules

ATP is sent around the body. It provides the get-up-n-go for all movement, change Molecules combine, cells divide, chemicals react, you mow the lawn…

YOU really are WHAT YOU EAT