Belarus Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russia Sweden QUICK & EASY Money for the Reports - How funds and information flow BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat Matthias Heinicke Seminar on Financial Management and Auditing Rostock, 12 November 2004
Questions to be addressed 1.What is the place of project partners? 2.How much money is allocated to the programmes? 3.Where does the programme get its money from? What is the role of the Secretariats? 4.How do the projects get their money? What do they have to do for it? 5.What is a ERDF co-financing rate?
The Place of Project Partners - Programme Structure IR III B Monitoring Committee Steering Committee Municipalities & Regions National Sub-committees SFINDEDKN Supervising the programme Information and support Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein Joint Secretariat Selection of projects and funding decisions Paying Authority Managing Authority PLLTLVESTRU BY Projects Lead Partner Project Partner day to day programme management
INTERREG III B: Total budget for projects:ca Mio. ( Mio. Norway) INTERREG III A: Total budget for projects:ca Mio. ERDF-Budget of INTERREG III B & III A
The way of the money/the Secretariats role COM+NOR MS+NOR (national, regional or local level) Projects request payments from COM financial monitoring payments to beneficiaries Joint Secretariat (Management of funds) Paying Authority (Transfer of funds) ERDF/NOR funds National co-financing ERDF/NOR funds MS-Member States NOR-Norway COM-European Commission
Reporting / Payment procedure Lead Partner Joint Secretariat P 1 P 2 P 3 Project Partners Pre-filled reporting forms Reporting period Jan-Jun / Jul-Dec Project Implementation 1 Sep / 1 Mar Progress Report Payment Notification After all open question are clarified PA Answers Clarification Check of PR Preparation of payment PA Payment
Project implementation Joint Secretariat / PA Lead Partner Lead Partner submits activity and audited financial report Paying Authority effects payment to Lead Partner Project Partners Submit activity and audited financial reports to Lead Partner ReportsPayments Lead Partner effects payments to Project Partners PA - Paying Authority European Commission Joint Secretariat / PA submit Payment Request Europ. Commission effects payment to PA
ERDF co-financing rate = share (in %) of ERDF funds in the total eligible budget paid out to a project ERDF National co-financing min. 25 % up to 75 % Total eligible costs of a project Partners are entitled to receive up to 50% ERDF Partners from objective 1 areas: entitled to receive up tp 75% ERDF ->actual share of ERDF funds set by SC See also: interreg3/foire/faq3_en.htm#5
Thank you very much! BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat Matthias Heinicke