Minerals are naturally occurring substances. They are often solid with a definite chemical composition. They have an orderly arrangement of atoms, ions, and molecules that are in a crystalline structure. Most are inorganic.
Minerals can be formed in one of following ways: a. Solidification from a melt b. Precipitation from a water solution c. Diffusion through a solid d. Metabolism of organisms e. Precipitation from a gas
There are close to 4,000 known types of minerals. Each has a name with distinctive physical properties. These properties include: color, streak, luster, hardness, specific gravity, crystal habit, and cleavage.
These physical properties reflect the mineral’s chemical composition and crystal structure. These physical properties can be used to identify minerals.
Minerals can be grouped into classes according to their chemical composition for identification. These classes include: silicates, oxides, sulfides, sulfates, halides, carbonates, and native metals.
Silicate minerals are the most common on Earth. A silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, which is a silicon atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms, is the building block of silicate minerals. Groups of silicates are distinguished from one another by how the silicon-oxygen tetrahedra that constitute them are linked.
Gemstones are minerals known for beauty and how rare they are. Facets can be cut into them gems so they can be used in jewelry. Faceting is done by grinding and polishing the gemstone on a faceting machine.