Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins Nutrients that give you energy
Foods Supply Energy
Food Supply Nutrients Nutrients: substances that the body needs to regulate bodily functions, promote growth, repair body tissue, and obtain energy Nutrition: is the process by which the body takes in and uses nutrients
Fuel For Your Body When your body uses the nutrients in foods, a series of chemical reactions occurs inside your cells…. What is this process called? Metabolism: is the chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy
What are Calories Calories: amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down (unit of measurement for food)
For good health, the number of calories in the food that you eat should match the caloric needs of your body Choose nutrient dense foods over foods empty calorie foods
What happens to unused calories? They are stored in the body in fat cells
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates: supply energy for your body’s functions
2 types of Carbs Simple Carbohydrates: (AKA sugar) Found in fruits, vegetables, & milk Glucose is the most important sugars, it provides energy for your body’s cells Complex Carbohydrates: provide a long lasting source of energy. Found in bread, pasta, rice, potatoes
Different names for sugar….. Glucose: The main source of energy for the body Fructose: A simple sugar found in fruits Lactose: The sugar found naturally in milk Sucrose: Commonly referred to as table sugar High Fructose Corn Syrup (synthetic): A mixture of glucose and fructose produced from corn.
The other Carb… Fiber – (complex carbohydrate) an essential component of your diet since it helps keep nutrients moving properly through out the digestive tract. Fiber has little nutritional value Fiber is found in wheat, bran, cereals and fruits/vegetables
Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs Good Carbs Whole grain bread Brown Rice Oatmeal whole-grain cereals Legumes Veggies fruits "Good" carbs are not processed and contain a fair amount fiber Bad Carbs White bread White rice Soda Snapple sugary foods like cereal Bad" carbs are refined or processed and contain little to no fiber
FATS Fats: supply your body with energy, form your cells, maintain body temperature, and protect your nerves
2 Types of Fats Unsaturated Fats: usually liquid at room temperature EX. Vegetable oil, nuts, and seeds Saturated Fats: usually solid at room temperature EX. Animal fats & dairy products
Cholesterol & Trans Fat Cholesterol: waxy, fatlike substance that is found only in animal products Some cholesterol is good, it helps with cell membranes, nerve tissue, & aids in digestion To much could cause plaque & lead to heart attack Trans Fats: added hydrogen to fat molecules (vegetable oil) Trans fat can be found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, and other foods made with or fried in partially hydrogenated oils.
Bad Fats……. Saturated Fat Butter Ice cream Cheese Animal Fat Trans Fat Cookies French Fries Snack foods Shortening Doughnuts Cake Potato chips Candy
Good Fat…… Unsaturated Fat Almonds Walnuts Peanuts Olive Oil Fish
Proteins Protein: is important for growth and repair of your body’s tissues EX. Meats, eggs, poultry, milk, nuts, beans, and lentils
Amino Acids Proteins in your body are made up of 20 different amino acids Your body supplies 11 of the 20 amino acids. Your diet has to supply the rest (which is 9). The 9 amino acids that the body cannot manufacture are called essential amino acids.