Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! The Digestive System
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD JEOPARDY! Food: Carbs & Fats Proteins and Vitamins Food Pyramid Digestive System Esophagus & Stomach Final Digestion
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out all its essential processes. What are nutrients?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water. What are calories?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Provides the raw materials to make cell parts. What are Carbohydrates?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Energy containing nutrients What are fats?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A waxy, fatlike substance found only in animal products. What is cholesterol?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Helper molecules in a variety of chemical reactions in the body. What are Vitamins?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Needed for tissue growth and repair. What are proteins?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Linked together chemically to form large protein molecules. What is the function of Amino Acids?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. What is Vitamin D?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Aids in blood clotting. What is Vitamin K?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Sweets, milk, meat, veggies, fruit, and grains. What is the food pyramid?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The average percent of water in a person’s body weight. What is 65%?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Allows you to evaluate a single food as well as to compare the nutritional value of two different foods. What is a food label?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The total amount of servings recommended by the food pyramid (all categories combined). What is 26?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Shows the nutritional content of one serving recommended for a person who consumes 2000 calories per day. What is percent of daily value?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The first step of the digestive system. What is chewing food?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The last organ in the digestive system. What is large intestine?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Two types of digestion. What are chemical and mechanical?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Cuts the food into bite sized pieces. What is your incisors?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The internal organ that is the size of a bathtub. What is the length of the large intestine?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. What is the esophagus?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A flap of tissue that covers the windpipe. What is the epiglottis?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Type of muscular contractions that occurs in the stomach. What is peristalsis?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The thing that prevent stomach acid from burning a hole in the stomach wall. What is mucous membrane?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Enzyme contained in the digestive juices. What is pepsin?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The role of the liver in the digestive system What is to produce bile?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD In the small intestine, which digestion takes place. What is chemical digestion?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The organ lies between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. What is the pancreas?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Absorbs molecules in the intestines. What is the villi?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The organ that runs up the right side of the abdomen, across the upper abdomen then down the left side. What is the large intestine?