WP10 Dissemination Oleg Liber, U. Bolton UK
Objectives 1.To disseminate, on an on-going basis, the RTD outcomes: specifications and standards, architectures, components and technical manuals. 2.To plan, create and support the creation of a future Europe-wide organisational infrastructure for the continued development, maintenance, and deployment of the TENCompetence infrastructure.
WP10: Roles/contributions of partners OUNL 4 Altran 3 Logica 3 CMG 2 UPF 3 Giunti 3 CERTH 2 L3S 2 U Bolton 12 UVA 1 SU 1 SURF 2 SYN 1
Overview (first 18 months) Disseminate outcomes from WP2 - WP8 –Set up adequate collaborative tools, –Website: principal public face of the project –Associate Partners to get early and privileged access to resources –Wider TEN Competence community consult public deliverables and milestones. Build up the future Europe-wide support network in preparation for post-project exploitation. Business models. –investigate market needs by identifying stakeholder groups and their needs in lifelong competence development and management; –define critical use cases for these stakeholder groups, to be delivered to WP2 –define appropriate business models that will serve as inputs for WP9 (Training) and WP10 roadmap development for cycle 2.
Tasks Task 1. Make project deliverables available –Documents –Software via Sourceforge. Task 2. Dissemination between project partners and associates –collaborative tools –website (wiki?) Task 3. Publications Task 4. (Inter)national conferences. Task 5. Contributing to standardisation initiatives and organisations –WP6 (assessment model) –WP7 (learning path specification)
Tasks (2) Task 6. Organise ‘open’ architecture conformity tests –WP2 and WP3 –workshops (e.g. plug-fests) –involve associate –‘proof-of-concept’. Task 7. Establish a list of contacts and potential users. –building up a network of Associate Business partners. –raise initial awareness of the project –Mail shots to existing lists of which the partners are members or have contacts will. –identify potential users –maintain list for later stages of the contact. Task 8. Project web site. –principal public face of the project to the wider user group –those working in the field, and the general public.
Tasks (3) Task 9. Identify stakeholder groups –secure sustainability of infrastructure and services –investigate market needs, opportunities, and define appropriate business models that will serve as inputs to the training and incubation activities of WP9 (Training). Task 10. Define critical use cases for these stakeholder groups, –deliver to WP2. Task 11. Define potential business models –input to WP2, WP9 and WP10 roadmap development. Task 12. Create ‘membership rules and regulations’ –for Associate Partners as a contribution to the project Handbook.
Deliverables and Milestones Deliverable D10.1: –Formalised organisational model for the TEN Competence Associate Partners as part of the project Handbook (month 12) Milestones and expected result –M10.1: Fully implemented TEN Competence web site (month 6) –M10.2: Critical Use Cases & three potential business model outlines (month 18)
Bolton CETIS at Bolton: –Well known source for standards information –Full time web-journalist JISC e-Framework –Large national programme (~£40m) –Support & dissemination team at CETIS –Support: –Dissemination: Partners in UNFOLD Dissemination team: CETIS/elframework/TEN
Action list (before Jan 06) Agree on website location Decide on / establish website technology Decide on / establish collaborative tools Agree on dissemination channels/process between partners Start work on dissemination strategy document Start work on stake holder identification …other?