September 25, 2014 Pick up table’s journals. Table of Contents Carbs to Glucose page 12
Think about…. Plants make food through photosynthesis. How do people get the energy we need to function?
We need to EAT to get our energy!
Carbs to Glucose Glue the carbs to glucose page in your journal on page 12. “What happens to my cracker?” presentation to fill in your notes.
The chemical and physical changes of digestion. Need some volunteers! Carbs to Glucose Silent Movie
Our story begins with a lovely piece of bread full of carbohydrates.
But wait! Along comes a giant set of teeth! PHYSICAL CHANGE
Oh no! What’s this? A bucket of saliva! Watch out! CHEMICAL CHANGE
…and now a trip to the stomach…you know what that means! Stomach acid! CHEMICAL CHANGE
…and now the carbohydrates are breaking apart…little by little…until they become…
Chemical Energy was TRANSFORMED Into Thermal Energy
What a journey! Now they can be used by the cells for ENERGY!
The End