Harnessing Outcomes Assessment to Serve Student, Faculty and their Institutions Man and the Machine: Bridging Humanities and Technology – A Teaching/Learning Student-Centered Assessment Model Presenters: Susan Apshaga, Debra Lilli, Carol Panaccione Community College of Rhode Island May 17, 2002
Course Goals To develop students analytical skills with regard to an aesthetic work To improve students written communication skills To improve students oral communication skills
Goals continued To improve students critical reading and thinking skills To improve students collaboration skills To improve students technological competency via WebCT To improve students research skills
MAN AND THE MACHINE Bridging Humanities and Technology This is what we aim to combat: When schools open this fall, the overwhelming majority of students across the country will file into ordered rows, pick up their books, and face their teachers. They will be taught in one subject and then move on to the next, in a recurring pattern of teacher led instruction and assessment. This approach - seated in rows, quietly and passively receiving knowledge - is called the cemetery model. - Roland Tharp
Man and the Machine: A Teaching/Learning Student-Centered Assessment Model A. Learning Outcomes B. Course Evaluation C. Quantitative/Qualititative Measures
A. LEARNING OUTCOMES - Web-CT Bulletins - Electronic Portfolio - Group Discussion - Group Brainstorming
B. COURSE EVALUATION -Students Assessment of Course -Students Metacognitive Assessment -Teaching Assistants Assessment -Faculty Assessment
C. Quantitative/Qualitative Measures - Case StudiesAnecdotal - Pre- and Post- Writing Placement Tests
Responses from our Student Assessment Questionnaire
It did help to improve collaboration skills with both students and faculty. I think that this course helped us become a freer thinker. Did the course help to improve your collaboration skills with your fellow students and/or faculty?
In what way did the seminar atmosphere add to or detract from your experience? Seminar atmosphere was great. Our schools need more of that. Lectures, lectures, lectures! Thats all we normally get, but who can seriously pay attention and intake information for two hours!
Man and the Machine