Enterprise Directorate General European Commission Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) network and Innovation Relay Centres (IRC) : regional tools for promoting innovation and transnational technology transfer Thessaloniki, May 2002 Yannis TSILIBARIS Head of Sector Networks and Technology Transfer Enterprise Directorate-General, Innovation Directorate
2 IREs and IRCs : regional tools for innovation and technology transfer Two European tools, run by Enterprise DG / Innovation Programme, with : –strong presence in the regions –formulation of appropriate innovation strategies –innovation & transnational technology transfer services provision –exchange of experiences & best practices –European networking
3 Innovating Regions in Europe (IREs) : What is the network about ? More than 100 regions and a considerable number of regional actors working together in a full-grown network, in order to : –exchange ideas, experiences & good practices, –develop transnational co-operation projects and –offer a pool of expertise for guidance of policy makers in the innovation domain
4 IREs : Instruments The instruments which helped to establish, consolidate and expand the IRE network are : The RITTS / RIS projects (DG ENTR/DG REGIO) The IRE Thematic networks The IRE Central Assistance Unit, and The IRE bi-annual conference
5 IREs / RITTS / RIS (scheme) months projects supporting the regions : –to develop a regional innovation strategy –to integrate innovation & TT in their economic development –to stimulate innovation among SMEs, and –to develop an innovation culture & an innovation community –extended recently to NAC countries (16 new projects)
6 IREs / RITTS / RIS project Phase 1 Mobilization of actors through appropriate awareness campaigns, consensus building Phase 2 Analysis of needs within the region (field work amongst the actors concerned) Phase 3 Findings and recommendations leading to the establishment of a regional innovation action plan
7 IREs / RITTS / RIS principles The work under the RITTS/RIS scheme must follow certain principles : a bottom-up approach a broad mobilization of regional actors building a consensus at regional level a need for strategic thinking
8 IREs / RITTS / RIS achievements Starting point to develop, for the first time ever, an innovation policy at regional level Helped to widen the concept of innovation & strengthen its position within the regional policy agenda Have focussed regional public authorities in better addressing the needs of the business community, but most of all : Created a mobilization around common target / consensus building / regional dialogue
9 IREs/Thematic networks interregional fora dealing with topics of common interest bringing together policy makers, facing common problems and innovation challenges diffusing good practices in the development and implementation of regional innovation strategies
10 IREs/Central Assistance Unit A central secretariat for the IRE network organising seminars and workshops offering the meeting point for the regions to share experience and draw lessons running the IRE website publishing regular newsletters with networking opportunities and IRE achievements
11 IREs/bi-annual conference Two years ago, a very successful meeting in Escorial, Madrid This year, in Stratford-Upon-Avon June 2002
12 The IRC Network European support network for the promotion of research, technology transfer and innovation Objectives, missions, achievements
13 Innovation Relay Centres (IRC) Selected through an open call for proposals for a 4-year period ( ) 68 IRCs operating in well defined geographical areas in 31 countries IRCs are hosted by: Technology Institutes, Regional Development Agencies, Innovation Agencies, Technology transfer centers, Chambers of Commerce, etc.
14 IRC Network : A springboard for technology co-operation Objective Enhance the competitiveness of businesses in Europe through: Supporting transnational technology transfer according to the specific needs of local industries Promoting technology co-operation between European enterprises, and Facilitating the access of SMEs to RTD results
15 IRC Network : where do IRCs operate ? IRCs IRCs FACILITATE TRANSNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS Assist in concluding TT agreements Identify local technology offers and demands
16 IRCs : main activities at a glace Inward technology transfer services Identification of local needs Search for technology suppliers in the network Assistance in the negotiation and implementation phases Outward technology transfer services Identification of new technologies from local suppliers Technology promotion in the network Assistance in the negotiation and implementation phases
17 IRC support services
18 IRC instruments to achieve TTT IRC Intranet website, with information on the network activities: technology offers/requests database, calendar of events, success stories, news, thematic groups Thematic groups for IRCs focusing on industrial sectors: agrofood, automotive, environmental technology, electronic, biotechnology, materials… Organisation of common events: brokerage events, investment fora, etc Organisation of visits between SMEs IRC staff exchanges Exchange of good practices and training
19 Types of reported partnerships 55% Technical cooperation 23% Commercial with Technical assistance 13% Licensing 6% Manufacturing 3% Joint venture
20 Key figures first year of current phase Clients base: ~ Clients assisted: ~ Company visits: ~ Negotiations started: ~ Reported TTT agreements: 135 Achievements
21 For more information... Have a look at our IRE public website : Have a look at our IRC public website :