developing people, improving young lives Regional Meeting – April 08 Review of Regional Working
RA event 4Apr08 We want to generate ideas for how, as a region, we can move forward as an effective learning support network Help each other learn Help each other achieve Build a useful network
RA event 4Apr08 We’d like to start by working in 4 groups – on the following 4 areas – and need roughly equally sized groups! GROUP 1 How we can help our peers What can I do for you? GROUP 2 How others can help us What can they do for me? GROUP 3 How we can support our growth How do we develop ourselves? GROUP 4 How we can support our delivery How do we all get results?
RA event 4Apr08 Each group has a “big chart” to complete What we like about the way we do things relating to our subject area What we don’t like about the way we do things relating to our subject area Things we should CONTINUE doing Things we should START doing Things we should STOP doing mins
RA event 4Apr08 We’d like to review the charts and add further ideas In groups, rotate (clockwise) to the next chart Read the suggestions quickly, and add any further suggestions on post-its – Other things you like about the way we do things – Other things you don’t like – Other things to START, STOP or CONTINUE – Relating to the subject area Move around again and repeat And finally to the last chart and repeat 2 mins each chart
RA event 4Apr08 Now we need to prioritise the ideas to find 4 to focus our immediate actions on… You have 3 votes (dots) Please put your dots against the relevant START, STOP or CONTINUE solution We will use the top 4 to develop specific actions… 5 mins!!
RA event 4Apr08 We’ve now got our 4 priorities … Please choose which one you would like to work on We need at least 2 people at each chart! You have 15m to complete the chart – What is the idea (move from previous and clarify) – What is the desired outcome – What are the specific actions to deliver this solution & outcome, who will own and what is the due date 15 mins
RA event 4Apr08 Let’s review our plans Each group (briefly!) to highlight the actions