Direction of PIDF-LO Profile James Winterbottom
Problems PIDF-LO profile has suffered from feature creep Base level GML is designed to define complex shapes. It is designed to support the creation of application schema and profiles. PIDF-LO profile has a lot of information on how to describe complex shapes using base GML… A bad idea!
Suggested Direction Keep the rules on location selection. Keep guidelines on “well-formed” PIDF-LO production. Reduce the subset of shapes to: –Point :- 2D only –Point and radius :- 2D only –Polygon :- 2D only –Rectangular prism (required for RFC-3825 representations). :-3D Keep CRS recommendations. WGS-84 only using: –EPSG:4326 for 2D –EPSG:4979 for 3D
Suggested Direction Provide examples of what “MAY” be acceptable levels of precision for some applications. We could site US specific cases for Geodetic and civic emergency requirements. Include specific comment that precision will be a matter of application requirements and local policy. Keep the appendix shoring how to create a PIDF-LO from data received in geodetic DHCP option.
Suggested Direction Complete this quickly re-submit document and start WG LC proceedings.