Enterprise Europe Network - Israel Uri Fishelson – Project Coordinator
Overview Cooperation support network for the industry with an emphasis on SMEs. Helping companies find partners and make the most of business opportunities in the EU. 50+ Countries, Over 600 partner organizations, More than 3000 staff members Database with over 30,000 companies Managed by the EASME – Executive Agency for Small & Medium sized Enterprises
Objectives Facilitating Research, Technological and Commercial partnerships Providing easy and friendly access to EU-related information and knowledge that is relevant to SMEs and other stakeholders. Supporting internationalism and technology transfer Helping enterprises face global competitiveness challanges
What do you get? Databse access to over 30,000 companies Published profile for European exposure International networking events Support in access to collaborative R&D funding
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Possible forms of cooperation Horizon2020 Consortia EUREKA Agreements Eurostars Agreements Technology Transfer Commercial Agreements Other Programs
Contact Uri Fishelson