Chapter 15, quickly Immigration and Urbanization
New Waves of Immigrants: Europe “Old Immigrants” – Most from western and northern Europe – many protestant, many speak English “New Immigrants” – in addition to old sources, many more coming from southern and eastern Europe ▫Escape religious persecution (Russian Jews for example) ▫Population pressures ▫More freedom
New Immigration: Asia and Caribbean/Mexico Gold rush, rail work draws large numbers of Chinese workers Hawaii draws large numbers of Japanese migrants – farming Many in West Indies and Mexico come to find work or escape political upheaval
Points of Entry Ellis Island – NY ▫Point of entry for Europeans ▫Doctor’s examination, prove clean record, demonstrate ability to work, have SOME money (post-1909, $25) Angel Island – CA ▫Point of entry for Asian migrants ▫Similar procedures, though generally harsher than Ellis
Life for Immigrants Often work low-wage jobs, factory workers Live in tenement homes – crowded, generally poor sanitation: “How the Other Half Lives” Often live in ethnic neighborhoods or “ghettos” ▫E.g. Little Italy, Chinatown ▫Nice support network – familiar language and customs
Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Religious, cultural, linguistic friction with new immigrants Competition for jobs Results in rise of “Nativism” 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act – bans all manual laborers from China from coming – not removed until – Gentlemen’s Agreement – Pres. Teddy Roosevelt agrees to stop segregation of Japanese kids in San Fran if Japan limits unskilled migrants
Urbanization: Challenges Housing – tenements Transport – how to move large numbers of people in tight spaces Water – safe water, indoor plumbing Sanitation – how to handle large amounts of waste Crime – masses of people make criminals more anonymous Fire – limited water supplies, cramped conditions, kerosene lamp/heat = potential disaster
The Political Machine Political leaders, a.k.a. Party “Bosses” provide service to voters in exchange for votes/financing – very business-like structure from: main boss ward bosses precinct captains Opens door for graft (using political influence for personal gain), embezzlement, etc. Ultimately leads to some reforms to try to ensure fairness in government – example: establish Civil Service Commission to staff government jobs