The Role of Metadata in the SDI Lynda Wayne GeoMaxim / FGDC Metadata Education Coordinator Spatial Data Infrastructures Workshop Denver June 2002
Metadata: the common language ISO provides common: structure terminology format …for the identification and exchange of digital geospatial data resources.
Profiles: metadata cultural dialects Profiles needed to support legacy metadata national languages and references disciplinary themes and standards community interests
Metadata in Action Metadata is that part of the data that: Abstracts… data discovery Documents… data comprehension Transports… data exchange …value of metadata to others
Metadata in Action Metadata CAN BE that part of the data that: Instills Accountability… data quality Measures Utility… data use statistics and CBA Facilitates Management data preservation, inventory, and freshness …making metadata work for you
Metadata Activities International: Introducing ISO Sharon Shin, USGS/BRD Community : Metadata Support Network Melissa Wegner, Raytheon / USGS soon to be FGDC Metadata Coordinator
Metadata Activities Regional, Multi-national: Development of a North American Profile Cindy Mitchell Canada GeoConnections Shawn Sikensen US NCITS L1 Rafael Allende Mexico INEGI-DGG
Metadata Session Topics Here and Now: ISO Implementation Round Table Discussion Speaker Panel Audience Participation
Metadata Discussion 1.What issues are raised for your community as you face ISO implementation?
Metadata Discussion 2.What action items are needed to address these issues?
Metadata Discussion 3.How does the Metadata Working Group revitalize to follow through on these action items?
Metadata Discussion Ducks of a Feather: Metadata 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. metadata implementation utilizing metadata beyond documentation metadata war stories
Metadata Issues and Actions 1. Focus on the user There is heavy investment at all levels in CSDGM (learning, training, tools, marketing) Ease the transition - emphasize CSDGM foundation by titling ISO as CSDGM maintain terminology where significant - maintain granularity where possible - include existing profiles and extensions
Metadata Issues and Actions 1. Focus on the user ( cont’d ) Provide tools - CSDGM 2.0 to ISO conversion tool - develop CSDGM-sensitive ISO tools Develop documents - What Will ISO Implementation Mean To Me? (transition) - What is CSDGM 3.0? (intro and summary) - revise the Greenbook (operational reference)
Metadata Issues and Actions 2. Open the Process There is a sense that ‘as goes ISO - so goes the nation’ with little input from the user community Centralize information - content, status, and update - establish an ISO info website - regular postings to listservers Provide a forum for participation - Metadata Working Group revitalization?
Metadata Issues and Actions 3. Demonstrate the Business Case Organizations need tangibles to justify changing content, software, and processes they have only recently established Demonstrate the benefits of ISO - compile short list of operational benefits - compile short list of cost benefits Make the case for conversion - locate and promote examples of successful transitions - sponsor case studies / research