Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa Integration of FP into non- health interventions for Youth Dr. Tonya Nyagiro, Director Emmanuel Edudzie
Youth in West Africa sub-region make up over 35% of the population in most countries 52% of young women give birth before age 20 in West Africa. Youth have an unmet need 2.3 time higher than the adult population it is estimated that over 60% of the poor are young people Many youth are in the informal sector and are not traditionally reached via schools or health centers Arzum Ciloglu/CCP
Education Livelihoods Media Sports Opportunities and key entry points of FP Integration for Youth
Formal Education/school-based programs Peer education Faith-based organizations Integration into Education
Integration into School-Based Programs: Evidence Based Approaches Family Life Education/Life Skills Education Teacher training and capacity building Christian and Muslim Family Life Education
Evidence on School-based curriculum characteristics of effective programs Focus on risk taking behaviours Theoretical basis that identifies risk and protective behaviours to be addressed Clear messages about avoiding unprotected sex Teacher training for teachers who believe in the program
Y-PEER LoveLife, experience from South Africa Integration into Peer Education: Evidence Based Approaches
Youth should be included in all phases of RH programs, from design through implementation Such inclusion must not only be voluntary but also paid positions; engaging youth as project staff This requires adequate training for youth Youth Perspectives on integrating livelihoods
The Integration Process Poverty due to lack of liv e lihoods Vulnerability to FP/RH problems and high unmet need Youth Involvement in RH/FP programs Education/Training Sustainable livelihoods attained Ability to access FP/RH information and services Ability to make informed choices on RH
Peer education, apprenticeships, job preparation, focusing on out-of– school youth Credit and small business development Vocational and technical training Occupational training and workshops Linkage of knowledge, empowerment and practice Evidence-based on Youth FP in Livelihoods & Employment
Global campaigns-experience from MTV National campaigns-experience from Love Live Local awareness raising and communications-experiences Integration into Media: Evidence-based approaches
Substantial exposure in each site Positive relationship between exposure and interpersonal communication Positive relationship between exposure and/or interpersonal communication and HIV-related social norms Evidence-based Global Media MTV Research Findings
Integration into Sports Sports and leisure as a key intervention to both provide information and education as well as offer an alternative to risk-behaviours
Integration into Sports Evidence base Sports increase self esteem Offers a support network Evidence from research results shows increased knowledge and attitude Additional research needed to demonstrate prolonged behaviour change