Western Australian Regional Freight Transport Network Plan- Implementation Priorities Presentation to the Freight and Logistics Council Steve Beyer, Executive Director Integrated Transport Planning
The Plan consolidates long term demands and infrastructure development needs of the State-owned major freight roads, railways and ports to define a principal network and future direction for the regional freight network: -Establishes a pipeline of infrastructure projects attractive to the Commonwealth and private investors -Sets the key reference for portfolio investment coordination in the State Budget process -Provides context for applications to Nation Building funding programs -Defines key policy and planning priorities Project Focus
Port Authorities, Brookfield and Main Roads best estimates to: 1.Identify strategic regional freight infrastructure 2.Quantify the freight task, now and future 3.Identify future principal network that best responds to the future task 4.Provide infrastructure works sequence to support network development Alignment between providers Methodology-Rapid Analysis
Brookfield - Rapid Analysis
Literature Review – 120+ technical reports Stakeholder engagement consulted Analysis of strategic uncertainties −North West LNG and iron ore (inbound freight) −South West supply chains of the future −Yilgarn iron ore and port catchment dynamics −Top 10 “other” supply chains in WA Incorporated into simple freight models and short-reports Methodology-Detailed Analysis
Key Outcomes: Road Project Priorities
Key Outcomes: Port and Rail Project Priorities
Intermodal Current Work Need and demand for an intermodal facility in Kalgoorlie, including the location options, cost and feasibility Implementation Priorities Proposed Work Intermodal network strategy for Perth to define facilities for international, intrastate and interstate business, and integration with industrial lands strategy – high priority as it is integral to Metro Freight Plan Intermodal network strategy for the south of the state, including planning and protecting options for rail access to strategic heavy industrial estates
Heavy Vehicle Productivity Current Work Review of High Wide Load corridors to identify strategic trunk routes and assess the case for their development Proposed Work Selective reviews of the Restricted Access Vehicle regime, assessing benefits and costs, and impacts on rail and shipping: Great Eastern Highway between Northam and Kalgoorlie – 36.5m RT2 North West Coastal Highway south of Carnarvon – 53.5m RT3 Goldfields and Coolgardie-Esperance Highways south of Kambalda to the Port of Esperance Last mile - Transport NSW keen to work with WA on this matter, and potential Commonwealth interest Implementation Priorities
Railway Network Current Work Route options of a potential rail connection between the Goldfields- Esperance region and the Mid West and Pilbara ports Potential connection for secondary interstate access to Perth/South West Corridor definition for rail realignment around Kalgoorlie Implementation Priorities Proposed Work Investigate the suitability and potential usage of disused/non-operational rail corridors in the South West Rail access to major regional industrial estates - initially ascertain what estates have rail access/reserves/potential and their current status
Freight Movements Current Work High level assessment of the inbound freight task from Perth to the Pilbara (Hyder), based on detailed advice from BHP Billiton More detailed assessment of business opportunities for coastal shipping to the Pilbara (F&LC) Implementation Priorities Proposed Work Further investigate long-term inbound freight requirements Common-user inbound maritime facilities in the Pilbara New business for coastal shipping Road network investment – GNH, NWCH, intra-Pilbara network
Observations from the Freight and Logistics Council??