Dominican Republic By Pa Ying Moua, Sharnissa Henderson, and Pa Yang
Background of Dominican Republic Rafael Trujillo was the first dictator of the Dominican Republic. before Trujillo became dictator, the island was under U.S control People in the Dominican Republic have suffered from Trujillo for 31 years During 20th Century, the Dominican Republic couldn't establish a stable democratic government because of the US and Rafael Leonidas Trujillo First island that Columbus has landed on when he thinks that he has reached East Indies three-fourth of the island is mixed with European and African people
Background Continue.... During the 19th Century, Haiti won it's independence from France and controlled the Dominican Republic until 1844 when they eventually gained their independence 20th Century, US was a big trade partner of the Dominican Republic: sugar, coffee, cocoa, and bananas 1906, Dominican Republic signed a fifty year treaty with the US giving it political control 1916, US occupied the island 1920, US left Dominican Republic and left in place the US trained Dominican National Guard 1924, US pulled out their military and left Rafael Trujillo in charge of the Dominican National Guard
Background of Rafael Trujillo At the age of 16, worked as a telegraph operator 1918, accepted into Dominican National Guard Was promoted when the Dominican National Guard was fighting against the Dominican guerrilla movement 1930, ran against Horacio Vasquez for president and received 95% of the votes power, used the National Guard to banish all civilian opponents established his own secret police SIM(Military Intelligence Service ) for gathering information
"He may be a son of a b****, but he's OUR son of a b****." -- Cordell Hull
Conflict of the Cold War in Dominican Republic The U.S. didn't care if Rafael Leonidas Trujillo was a bad dictator, as long as he was an anti- communist The U.S. supported him SIM- controlled the press, bribed businessmen, and created fear among the people
How was this a movement or conflict of it's own accord within the country? Trujillo used his political control over the nation to gain great wealth. He took over plantations and businesses. Family and political supporters received the best jobs. While the citizens of the country struggled day by day. Most of the income of the dictator was used to throw big extravagant parties. The rest of the money was stored in foreign bank accounts.
Continue.... Trujillo welcomed U.S business and maintained a pro U.S foreign policy. Many Americans did not like Trujillo, but after WWII, many Cold War politicians in the U.S supported Trujillo as a leading Latin American Anti communist. Although this is true, the Dominican Republic refused to aide the U.S when they asked for troops while in Korean
How was this conflict a part of the larger, bi-polar world of the Cold War Era? Rafael Trujillo was tolerated because he was anti communist. The U.s was so obsessed with communists that they were willing to overlook terriable circumstances in the dominican republic. " He may be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch" This is a quote from the secratary of state Cordell Hull