Under the auspices of the Catholic Church Prison Care & Support Network Prison Care and Support Network 1 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
The Act describes one of the purposes of the correctional system as 3 : To contribute to maintaining and protecting a just, peaceful and safe society by: Promoting the social responsibility and human development of all prisoners and persons subject to community corrections. Promoting the social responsibility and human development of all prisoners and persons subject to community corrections. 3 Correctional Services Act (Act 11 of 1998) S 2. 2 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Seven of the 10 objectives of the DCS are related to rehabilitation and defining these as the core business of the Department. These are 4 : Breaking the cycle of crime; Providing an environment for controlled and phased rehabilitation interventions; 4 Department of Correctional Services (2005) White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, Section 4.4, PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Providing guidance and support to parolees Provision of corrective and development measures to the offender; Reconciliation of the offender - community; Enhancement of the productive capacity of offenders, and Promotion of healthy familial relations. 4 Department of Correctional Services (2005) White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, Section 4.4, PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Several Positive initiatives are undertaken by the DCS: - Skills Training - Provision for Education - Mother Child Facility - Half – Way Houses - Partnership with S. Providers etc 5 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
. God continues to call all to their dignity as his adopted children. His mercy and forgiveness is always available to everyone / those who have offended Him and his fellow men and women. 6 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Firstly Crime is a moral problem and a result of man’s rebellion against God. Secondly it’s a socio economic problem. No one is ever beyond redemption and as Christians we cannot give up on anyone. 7 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
The reduce the high level of Recidivism in the country–lack support family/comty There are several inmates who continue to remain in the prisons since they have no place to go to Many are afraid to go back their community as they are vulnerable to commit crime again. 8 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Half way house is only one component of Social Reintegration interventions that are critical for some categories of prisoners so that they restore their relationship with God/ others, develop discipline, transformation and be skilled to become self reliant. 9 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Those with the disposition for transformation and change but have no address of their own. The vulnerable and unsupported who may be easily influenced and lured back to re-offending behaviour Seriously vulnerable offenders who might be groomed to become hardened criminals PCSN - Case Study10
PCSN envisioned a transition or Half-way house in 2005, but due to lack of funding it could not be accomplished. With the support from Ireland we were able to purchase a house with the intention of launching the half way house, but could not begin due to lack of funding for running expenses. 11 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
12 PCSN intends to pilot the half way house towards the end of the year for women to facilitate their re-entry into the community. PCSN: HALF WAY HOUSE PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
. Although we do not run a halfway house now, the PCSN CARA HOUSE has turned into a centre for several social reintegration activities since PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
Ex- offenders Gathering Ongoing Support – Counselling Skills Training – CETA and Other Child Nutrition Programme Education Support for Children Support: Stipend, CV etc 14 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
. Home Gardening Skills training Home Based Care Skills Art and Crafts promotion Screen Printing 15 PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
16 Bursary Programme: since 2007: total 50 tertiary courses Current: 10 inmates CETA Skills Training Programme: 2014: 13 learners graduated in Building Construction 2015: 26 male & female inmates Worcester Prison: Electrical Engineering PCSN: SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015
17 PCSN in partnership with other organisation It would be critical for PCSN to engage with similar organization to advance the objectives of social re- integration of offenders with the launching of the half way house. PCSN – CPLO Round Table on Half Way House July 2015