USING THE NINE CUSTOMER PILLARS To grow your revenues, profits, and income copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Your profits should be BIGGER! ™
Your business is either growing or it is shrinking copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Take a quick minute: What would your business look like if you could GROW at will? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
The good news and the bad news copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 1: Focus on Growth Customers Pillar 9: Practice Coordinated Growth Planning Pillar 8: Learn from the Market Pillar 7: Manage Expectations Brilliantly Pillar 6: Connect Powerfully with Customers Pillar 5: Sharpen Your Competitive Edge Pillar 4: Form Productive Linking Relationships Pillar 3: Refine to Perfect Pricing 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008 Pillar 2: Maximize Value Incrementally
The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ Pillar 1: Focus on Growth Customers copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What is a GROWTH CUSTOMER? WHO are we going to sell to? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
copyright 2008, Strive Coaching, Inc. Segmentation & Narrowing the Focus wb#25
3 Types of Customers Every Business Sells To pg 24 Existing Customers Previous Customers New Customers copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Lifetime Value of Customer Share of Customer pg 25 Why retention? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Reactivation We want you back. Why did they leave? pg 30 copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
New Customer Strategies What has worked in the past? Who are your ideal customers? pg 34 copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
copyright 2008, Strive Coaching, Inc. Root Emotions,Unmet Needs, & Fears pg 38
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 1 Use retention and reactivation The “ideal customer” profile Increase “share of customer” What motivates the customer copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Make a list of 10 specific things you know about your customers that your competitors don’t copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 2: Maximize Value Incrementally The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What are we REALLY selling? The subtle shift copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Value added strategies pg 49 copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 2 Shift to a value orientation Value added strategies Reduce creation bias View through the eyes of customers copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Think of 5 things that would add significant value to what you sell, but would have very little impact on your cost copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 3: Refine to Perfect Pricing The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What is a the ideal price to charge? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Margin method Income method Competitive analysis Image based Volume based Testing pg 66 Ways to Set Pricing copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
The Mathematics of Pricing If your margins are 50%, how much must volume increase to account for a 10% decrease in price? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Free with Purchase Bundling Strategy pg 79 copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 3 Multiple pricing methods Test to find the ideal Understand the math Free with purchase copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Consider how “free with purchase” could impact your business versus typical discounting copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 4: Form Productive Linking Relationships The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Who is important to link our company to the end customers? pg 92 copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Types of Linking Relationships Distribution Partners p 92 Referrals / COIs Key Influencers Strategic Alliances copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
The Value Partnership Approach copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 4 Take a value partnership approach Strategic alliances Be proactive Know who impacts purchases copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Make a list of 5 new, key linking relationships that would dramatically grow your business. copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 5: Sharpen Your Competitive Edge The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Why will customers choose us over other options? pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
3 TYPES OF COMPETITORS 3. Do Nothing Competition pg Direct Competition 2. Indirect Competition copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
How to find your edge copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 5 Understand the competition Expand your competitive scope Put the ego aside Increase its strength copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: List 5 specific, powerful, & unique reasons customers should choose your business over the other options copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 6: Connect Powerfully with Customers The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
How will we customers learn about us and be convinced to purchase? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
copyright 2008, Strive Coaching, Inc. 3 Method for Customer Communications * Message * Medium * Measurement pg 145
Message Development Exercise pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
copyright 2008, Strive Coaching, Inc. There are lots of ways to deliver a message……
COMMUNICATION MEDIUMS · Personal Communications – Letter – Pounding the Pavement · Word of Mouth - Buzz· Referrals / Centers of Influence · Direct Selling · Direct Mail · Direct Faxing· Telemarketing · Advertising - Newspaper· Advertising - Magazines · Advertising - Radio· Advertising - Television · Promotions / Specials· Web Site · Banner Ads· Search Engines · Direct – Opt In· Direct – Spamming · Conventions / Tradeshows· Billboards / Sporting Events · Transportation Signs· Network Marketing · Point of Sale / Packaging· Giveaways · Card Decks· Infomercials · Audios, Videos, CDs· Catalogs / Brochures pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Maximizing Daily Communications pg 166 Focus on Free pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Cumulative effect of messages – develop a frequency based series pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Measurement pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 6 Develop strong messages Select appropriate mediums Develop a frequency based sequence Track the results copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Imagine your best customer prospect gives you 30 minutes to describe why they should buy from you. Write down what you would say. Refine this list into your key marketing messages. copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 7: Manage Expectations Brilliantly The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What can we do to ensure our customers’ expectations are fully met? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Keeping the promise! Is this important? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Five components of expectations management pg 184 Understand base expectations Influence expectations Product / service performance The company experience Post purchase reinforcement copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 7 Get it - this is the biz! Understand and exceed expectations Create an experience Incorporate post-purchase follow up copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Make a list of 10 items you could incorporate into your business that would help you better exceed customer expectations. copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 8: Learn from the Market The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What can we do to test and refine our assumptions? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Refine, adapt, improve, modify pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Identify the key questions pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 8 Let the market teach you - adapt Become a humble student Test, learn, and modify Know the key questions copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: A genie appears and offers you the answers to three specific questions about your market. Write down the questions. copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Pillar 9: Practice Coordinated Growth Planning The 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS™ copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
What must we do to ensure the growth happens and is productive? copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Levels of Planning The Customer Pillars pg 250 Overall Company pg 256 Tactical – Calendar pg 264 Multiple Time Periods pg copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
RECAP: Key Points from Pillar 9 Have a plan, Stan Use the 9 Pillars to organize Commit to a calendar Plan for phases of growth copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
EXERCISE: Review each of the 9 CUSTOMER PILLARS – for each list 3 growth strategies for your business copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
Accessing this system
I HAVE A GOAL I HAVE A GOAL That you will be able to take control of That you will be able to take control of your revenue growth potential, turn that into an incredibly successful business which benefits, not only you, your employees, and your customers, but your community as well! your revenue growth potential, turn that into an incredibly successful business which benefits, not only you, your employees, and your customers, but your community as well! copyright Strive Coaching Inc, 2008
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