PR in IMC Campaigns Building relationships Objectives (K, A, B): Get people aware/to know about something Create positive attitudes Do something (behavior) that will contribute to company goals
How? z Media Relations Publicity Credibility zInteractivity w/ target audiences Special events (e.g. trade shows, concerts...) “Buzz” / viral Consumer Generated Media (CGM) (e.g. YouTube) Social networking (e.g. Facebook)
Media Relations z B2B (business to business) Trade / industry / specialized media z B2C (business to consumer) Mainstream Print, broadcast, Web (e.g. zID through media directories e.g. Bacon’s, Burrelle’s, Vocus, SRDS... Google, Yahoo, newstands...
Media relations z Make it easy for media What’s the “hook” in news or feature release or pitch? TIPCUP (Timely info, has Impact on people, involves someone Prominent, involves Conflict, is Unusual/Unique, involves Proximity/local action) What’s the background / context? Media kit Backgrounder Bio Photos/graphics /logo Fact sheet Timeline
Interactivity z Special events (e.g. CD launch party) Good for publicity and relationships Pre-event publicity (controlled & uncontrolled media) Media alerts / releases Chalk / posters / fliers Social networking / Facebook Web Post-event publicity PNRs Web site (photos, blog, podcast)
Need a special event plan zObjectives z Key message points z SWAG / promotional giveaways z Celebrity? z Capture names / interest of participants for future correspondence z Consider CSR (corporate social responsibility)/ outreach
Other ways to involve... z Contests z Give Value Web downloads Newsletter / / text alerts
PR IMC examples z Starkist Tuna declining sales brought back Charlie Used nostalgia Gained lots of media publicity News Special events (lunch giveaways) Outreach to Jewish community (giveaways) z Potato Board campaign (see handout)
Other Communication Strategies z Consistent Theme / Brand z Use emotional & logical appeals z Incorporate homophily (similarity w/ audience) z Positive messages that are meaningful memorable understandable believable testimonials endorsement / partnerships