IEEE GLOBECOM Miami Status GLOBECOM’08 December 2008 New Orleans, USA
GIMS/GITS Decision Matrix CalendarConferenceDeliverableGIMSGITSStaff C-24GC’08 MOU – Meeting Management Approval C-24GC’08 Conference Theme ApprovalApproval C-24GC’08 Conference Logo Approval C-24GC’08 Preliminary Registration Fee Approval C-24GC’08 Preliminary Budget Approval C-24GC’08 Preliminary Call for Papers ReviewReview C-24GC’08 Technical Leadership Team Approval C-24GC’08 Preliminary TC Representatives Review C-24GC’08 Technical Program Matrix Review
Conference Theme MIAMI – Moving Into the Age of Mobile Interactivity Other proposals investigated: –Moving Into the Age of Mass Innovation –Motivating Innovation for the Advanced Mobile Infrastructure
Conference Logo
Registration Fee (by Bruce & June, thanks!) CategoryPassAdvanceLate IEEE+ComSoc Member Full Limited day IEEE Member Full Limited day Non IEEE Member Full Limited day Life Member Full5050 Student Member Full300360
IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Budget GIMS, November 2008 Thanks, Bruce and June for the Budget estimation efforts!
Budget/Financial Reporting Process 24 Months before event – preliminary budget, present to GIMS, open bank account 18 Months before event – update to GIMS 12 Months before event – update to GIMS 9 Months before event – formal expo budget compiled 6 Months before event – review final budget to ensure registration fees are in place to minimize the risk of not meeting the desired surplus 2 to 6 months before event – continue updating expenses as the become known. Accounting for registration and expo related revenue. 6 to 8 weeks before event – start to compile financial forecast. 3 weeks before event – review the forecast in comparison to budget to see if any expense adjustments can be made. Strategize to see how to insure against existing attrition exposure (should be 4-5 weeks before). At conference – last minute expense updates, in prep for wrap-up meeting. Bring the conference checkbook. 0-6 months after event – Pay the bills, do final accounting for revenue, etc. 6 months after – should have actuals in place, closing down. Goal to show actuals within +/- 10% of the forecast offered at the wrap-up. 12 months after event –final financial report at IEEE (final GIMS mtg travel voucher). months after event – audit completed Monthly – attend meetings/review minutes to see if any decisions were made affecting the budget, offer financial advice.
Awards Luncheon costs (individual ticket) $ $ Conference Banquet costs (individual ticket) $ $ $ $ This total will automatically populate the appropriate cells for the FULL fees below ComSoc Member IEEE Member Non-Member ComSoc Member IEEE Member Non-Member FULL REGISTRATION FEES LIMITED 3-DAY FEES Advance (proposed) Advance (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, Advance (proposed) Advance (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ $ ‘09 GIMS Apv'd: GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ $ Lunch+Banq. $ $ Late (proposed) Late (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, Total FULL $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, Late (proposed) Late (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, Lunch+Banq. $ $ Total FULL $ $ $ $ $ 1, $ 1, LIMITED 1-DAY FEES Advance (proposed) Advance (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ $ STUDENT FEES '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ $ Advance (proposed) Advance (proposed) $ $ Late (proposed) Late (proposed) $ $ $ $ $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ $ $ $ $ Late (proposed) Late (proposed) $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ LIFE MEMBER FEES ADDITIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CD-ROM Advance (proposed) Advance (proposed) $ $ Proposed Proposed $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ Late (proposed) Late (proposed) $ $ '09 GIMS Apv'd: $ $ 50.00
Other Assumptions Estimated paid attendance : 1,500 plus 25 for the exhibit floor only Prices (previous slide), equal to GIMS suggested for 2009 events (subject to change) Includes EXPO budget; mirrors GLO’08 Expo budget 15 Tutorials 21 OC member trips for travel to GIMS Meetings, 2 ExCom Mtgs in Miami, plus supported travel to GLOBECOM’10 Speakers Breakfast Added expense to provide coffee breaks and lunch to those attending the workshops and tutorials Added expense to support Keynote Speakers (honoraria or travel)
Other Assumptions: Marketing $125K CFP Ads Announcement Ads Giveaways Ads in EE Times, IEEE Spectrum, and other Telecom Pubs. List Rentals/ Purchases Expo Brochure Postcards Google Adwords
Other Assumptions Advance Program: Print, 24 pages, 20,000 estimated quantity Meeting Room Rental Needed - $37,000 Patronage: estimated at $65K Expo Exhibit Sales: $3,300 per 100sq ft. Food and Beverage Spending (per person) –Welcome Reception $120 –Speaker’s Breakfast $ 35 –Coffee Breaks $ 20 –Boxed Lunch Days $ 10 –Banquet $135 –Tutorial Lunch $ 30
Bottom Line Summary Revenue $1,290K Expense $1,075K Surplus $ 215K Percentage 20%
Preliminary CfP
GLOBECOM 2010 Organizational Structure Symposium 1 Symposium X Symposium 2 Workshop1 Workshop X Workshop 2 General Chairs* Taieb Znati Tarkan Maner *Executive Committee member
General Chair Dr. Taieb Znati, NSF, USA –Current position: Division Director, NSF –Conference experiences: General Chair, INFOCOM 2005 –Role in the Globecom 2010 Raise funding for the conference from Government and funding agencies General Co-Chair: Tarkan Maner, Wyse Technology, USA (CEO)
TPC Chair Dr. Haohong Wang, Marvell Semiconductors, USA –Conference experiences: General Chair, ICCCN 2008 TPC Chair, ICCCN 2007 General Co-Chair, IMAP 2007 TPC Chair, ISMW 2006 TPC Chair, ISMW 2005 –Successful experiences: Successfully expand the size of ICCCN from a 3-day program into a 5-day program, and double/triples the submissions and attendees during the 2-year tenure at ICCCN (successfully get sponsorship from Qualcomm, Microsoft, NSF, IEICE and so on) –Role in the Globecom 2010 Oversee all the technical program of the conference TPC Co-Chairs: –Mukesh Singhai, Univ. Kentucky, USA –John Thompson, Univ. Edinburgh, UK
Operation Chair Prof. EK Park, University of Missouri, USA –Current position: Professor, Univ. of Missouri Program Director, NSF –Conference experiences: Steering Committee Chair: ICCCN Financial Chair: ICCCN 2008, 2007, 2006, … Financial Chair: IWCMC 2006 Financial Chair: INFOCOM 2005 Financial Chair: WirelessCom 2005 ……. Many others –Roles in the Globecom 2010 Oversees the financial, publicity, and the local arrangement of the conference Operation Co-Chair: Kami Makki, Lamar Univ., USA
Symposia Chair Dr. Heather Yu, Huawei Tech, USA –Conference experiences: TPC Chair, IEEE CCNC 2006 TPC Chair, IEEE ISM 2006 Workshop Co-Chair, IEEE ICC 2009 TPC Chair, IEEE ICSC 2007 Conference Chair, IEEE ICSC 2008 ……. Many others –Roles in the Globecom 2010 Oversees all the symposia of the conference Symposia Co-Chair: Qian Zhang, HK UST, China
Tutorial Chair Prof. Abbas Jamalipour, Univ. Sydney, Australia –I believe everybody is family with Abbas, no need for further introduction –Roles in the Globecom 2010 Oversees the Tutorial Program of the conference Tutorial Co-Chair: Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA
Workshop Chair Prof. Forouzan Golshani, California State University, Long Beach –Current position: Dean, College of Engineering, CSU Long Beach –Roles in the Globecom 2010 Oversees the workshops of the conference Workshop Co-Chair: Xiaobo Zhou, Univ. Colorado, USA
TC Representatives TC Name Representative Representative Data Storage Tony Xia High-speed Networking Nasir Ghani Tactical Communications and Operations Gabriel Jakobson Communication Switching and Routing Wojciech Kabacinski Cognitive Networks R. Chandramouli Communications Quality and Reliability Hideaki Yoshino Communication Theory Michael Rice Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks Hossam Hassanein Signal Processing and Communications Hung Nguyen Communications System Integration and Modeling Charalabos Skianis Wireless Communications Sherman Shen Communication Software Joe Rodrigues Radio Communications Andrea Conti Multimedia Communications Bin Wei Satellite & Space Communications Takaya YAMAZATO Communications & Information Security Yingfei Dong Optical Networking Jason Jue Information Infrastructure Raouf Boutaba Transmission, Access and Optical Systems Stefano Bregni Communication History Jacob Baal-Schem Internet Yan Chen
Technical Program Matrix Time/DaySunday Dec. 5 Monday Dec. 6 Tuesday Dec. 7 Wednesday Dec. 8 Thursday Dec. 9 8:00 – 8:50 KeynoteKeynote 9:00 – 10:30 TutorialWorkshopsOpening Main Conference Short Course Main Conference Short Course TutorialWorkshops 10:50 – 12:20 TutorialWorkshops Main Conference TutorialWorkshops 12:20 – 14:00 LunchLunchLunchLunchLunch 14:00 – 15:30 TutorialWorkshops Main Conference Short Course Main Conference Short Course TutorialWorkshops 16:00 – 17:30 TutorialWorkshops Main Conference TutorialWorkshops Evening Welcome Reception Banquet
See You in MIAMI! GLOBECOM2010 Dec 5 –Dec
TPC Co-Chair Prof. Mukesh Singhal, University of Kentucky, USA –Current position: Gartner Group Endowed Chair Professor –Honor: IEEE Fellow 2001 IEEE Technical Achieve Award, 2003 –Conference experiences: General Co-Chair, SUTC 2008 (Taiwan) TPC Co-Chair, SUTC 2008 (Taiwan) General Chair, SRDS 2005 (Orlando) TPC Chair, MASS 2005 (Washington DC) General Chair, SRDS 2001 (New Orleans) TPC Chair, SRDS 1998 Role in the Globecom 2010 –Support the TPC Chair to Monitor the tutorial and workshop related functionalities of the technical program