Start S.A. The investment fund for Cultural & Creative Industries Virginie Civrais, General Manager
New in French-speaking Belgium Armed with sixteen million euros. Result of a shared commitment between the Region Wallonne and the Communauté française de Belgique to sustain growth of the creative economy. Dynamic and professional creative companies struggle to find funding (which is fundamental to their development).
Sectors Concerned Performing arts (theatre, dance, opera, circus, festivals …) Heritage ( museums, architectural heritage, archaeological sites, libraries and archives ) Publishing and distribution in the visuals arts (painting, sculpture, photography, handicrafts) Digital arts Video games Music (Recordings and performances) Book publishing, press publishing Radio Television Design (products, communication, architectural) Fashion Architecture
Action fields Research and Development (creation) Production Distribution Promotion Preservation
What are the requirements ? Small and medium-sized companies wishing to benefit from an intervention must meet several conditions: Must be based, or committed to install their head office, in Wallonia or Brussels Have less than 250 workers Not exceed an annual turnover of and a balance sheet total of Respect the financial independence criterion (less than 25 % of capital or voting rights held by a large company) Present a sustainable and profitable investment programme Subsidies should not be the main reason for profitability Propose a project that will generate jobs Start cannot be involved in the financing of a project
Intervention methods Based on company needs (legal entity) and the nature of the investments Loans Each loan transaction is valued at the time of the file analysis Shares in the capital of the company Start will retain a minority stake in the company and will ensure that the public funds are no more than 49 % of the capital. Combination of these two modes of intervention is possible. The minimal intervention of Start is fixed at Start limits the interventions to 50% of the financial needs of the company.
Criteria? Deadlines?: CRITERIA Economic viability of the company Cultural and creative value of the project Economic and financial value of the project Qualification and expertise of the applicant Impact in terms of jobs TIMING Requests can be made at any time. Once accepted by Start, analysis of the file starts immediately. The transfert of decision of the Board are held every two month.
Contact & Info Start S.A. 6, rue du Onze Novembre 7000 Mons Phone: 0032 (0)