SHASTA DAISY Chrysanthemum maximum Height 3 to 4 inches Flowers are 2 to 3 inches wide Perennial Forms in clumps and blooms June- September Drought tolerant
Leyland Cypress X Cupressocyparis leylandii Grows up to 3 to 4 feet per year Drought Tolerant It has a feathery soft texture
Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina Most common indoor tree Drops leaves when there is a change in environment and draft Likes indirect light or bright diffused light
Decora Rubber Plant Ficus elastica decora 30 to 40 feet Parts are poisonous if digested Evergreen and variegated
Prayer Plant Maranta leuconeura erythroneura It closes it leaves up when it gets dark, opens its leaves back up in the morning Likes warm humid conditions It has lots of variegated leaves
Scientific name :Ilex x anttenuata It is not native to North America Height : feet Spread : 8-12 feet Has a symmetrical canopy with a smooth outline It has small red berries
Impatiens The common name for the plant is “touch- me-not”. When seed pods mature they explode when touched and explodes for a couple feet away different species
Bearded Iris Iris Hybrids Most commonly grown iris Flower has 6 petals 3 upright petals are called standards, & 3 hanging petals are called falls Colors are pink, white, rose, purple, blue, yellow, orange.
Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera Aka Southern Bayberry Evergreen shrub or small tree Height: 20 in.- 40 in. Leaves are 2 to 4 inches long Fruits are in clusters
Boston Fern Nephrolepis exaltata `Bostoniensis' foliage plant Produces feather like fronds that grow up to 4ft. Popular house plant
Mondo Grass Ophiopogon japonicus Groundcover plant Evergreen perennial plant Flowers are white to pale lilac Likes water Hardy plant