Facing the environmental challenge of agriculture «The mission of humanity is to transform solar energy into consciousness.”, Patrick Viveret, philosopher
2 Dominique Tristant The Grignon farm is a mixed-farming system, which enables the study of interactions between livestock and crops. CROPS 390 hectares (Cereals / Corn / Rapeseed / Faba beans / Alflafa / Grasslands / energetic crops) LIVESTOCK 130 dairy cows (1.3 million liters quota) 500 ewes (meat and breeding) PROCESSING & CONDITIONING L of processed milk (yogurts, bottled milk and cheese ) DIRECT SELLING Contact to consumers EDUCATION Contact with pupils and teachers Introduction: the GE+ program framework Description of the farm productions
3 Dominique Tristant The GE+ project addresses the issues of possible and desirable adjustments of agriculture and food sectors to the challenges of fossil fuel scarcity and global warming, with two complementary approaches. Positive communication and civic education Demonstration and innovation Positive energy Neutral carbon fooprint The Positive communication axis aims at pointing out that modern agriculture can face the environmental challenges, while the Civic education axis aims at explaining these issues to the general public, especially children. Values and structure of the project (1): Greenhouse Gas
4 Dominique Tristant The main objective of GE+ is to meet the challenge of improving energy and GHG performances while maintaining the economic margin, and preserving or enhancing the capacity to feed people. Fossil energy consmptions GHG emissions Nitrogen balance Phosphor balance Pesticides pressure Feed people Objectives and values The 3 P approach 1. Caloric balance 2. Protein balance 3. High quality (animal) protein balance
5 Dominique Tristant Monthly calculation of performance indicators Impact coefficients Material & energy flows Information on cropping systems Environmental performance dashboard Detection of levers for improvement of agricultural and processing activities Critical examination of impact coefficients Adaptability to other farms 2 3 We keep analytical accounts of GHG emissions & energy consumptions of all farm activities on a monthly basis thanks to the "environmental dashboard". A transparent and farm-scale experimentation site Environmental performance follow-up 1
6 Dominique Tristant Political and economic context Global performance of the system described into details LIVESTOCK CROPS Purchase of crops inputs CROPS OUTPUTS LIVESTOCK OUTPUTS Purchase of livestock feed Fodder nutritional values Effluents fertilization values Areas Yields Crop management Rotation constraints Diet according to age Grazing calendar Etc. A transparent and farm-scale experimentation site PerfAgro P3: a linear programming model
7 Dominique Tristant CROPS CATTLE Vente animaux STRUCTURE Soils caracteristics Milk production and quality Nutritionnal needs Heifers management and cull rate Barn and storage capacities Available labour Investment capacity Yields and quality of crops Quantity and quality of manure Cash flow limits Crops management Mixed crop-dairy farms are complex : we need tools to evaluate global impacts of our technical choices Economical data Crops Feedstuffs Milk (with changes during the year) Fertilisers Seeds and pest Water, electricity, vet products,… Tractors and others equipments for diet mixing, crops management, manure management, forage harvesting,… Labour Financial expenses Sensitivity analysis Zone 2
8 Dominique Tristant Environmental impacts assessment IPCC 2006 coefficients for global warming impacts GESTIM (french referencial) - fossile energy consumptions coefficients for inputs - NH3 volatilization - N03 leaching according soils - mineralisation coefficient for orgnaic matter (soils and manure) Life Cycle Analysis database (EcoInvent) for some specific inputs
9 Dominique Tristant GLOBAL PERFORMANCE of the system described into details Quantity of work (hours/yr) Fossil fuel used on the farm (MJ/an) Rotation NPK management, … Examples of output indicators GHG emissions Etc. Economic margin (€/an) Number of people fed 4 different possible objective functions LIVESTOCK CROPS Global performance of the system described into details Diets, calving schedule,… MAX MIN MINIMUN (constraint)
10 Dominique Tristant Other productions: Complex farms with dairy, beefs and pigs
11 Dominique Tristant 1. Initial situation
12 Dominique Tristant 390 ha in various conditions > 3 zones 135 dairy cows 9700 L/cow/year Quota: L kg DM Corn silage6.9 grass and cereals silages1.5 hay and straw6.0 corn2.2 rapeseed meal and cake3.2 Complete feed1.1
13 Dominique Tristant PLANET PROFIT PEOPLE €/year GJ Total GWP : 1957 T eq CO people fed (calory) 6341 people fed (protein) 3475 people fed (high quality protein) 72 €/ ton of milk 114 €/ ha of crop
14 Dominique Tristant 2. Good prices for cereals Rise in energetic feedstuffs prices 1. Initial situation + 50% Wheat price : 165 €/T Energetic complete feed : 270 €/T
15 Dominique Tristant PLANET PROFIT PEOPLE % + 6 % for energy consumptions + 3 % for GWP + 20% people fed (calory) + 6% people fed (protein) = for people fed (high quality protein) 11 €/ ton of milk (-85%) 591 €/ ha of crop (+520 % !) Cows diets : Less grass and cereals silage in diets More corn and rapeseed cake Crops: More grains Less pasture and hay 1 1 1
16 Dominique Tristant 2. Good prices for cereals Rise in energetic feedstuffs prices 1. Initial situation 3. Explosion of cereals price Idem for energetic feedstuffs Increase for fuel and fertilizers (N) Short increase for proteins Wheat 200 €/T Soya meal : 400 €/T 1.2 €/kg N 0.85 €/L
17 Dominique Tristant PLANET PROFIT PEOPLE + 38% + 1 % for energy consumptions = for GWP + 3 % people fed (calory) + 3 % people fed (protein) = for people fed (high quality protein) - 8 €/ ton of milk ( non profitable) 591 €/ ha of crop (+30% ) Cows diets : Less silages More complete feed Crops: More cereals and rape Less silages
18 Dominique Tristant 2. Good prices for cereals Rise in energetic feedstuffs prices 1. Initial situation 3. Explosion of cereals price Idem for energetic feedstuffs Increase for fuel and fertilizers (N) Short increase for proteins 4. Can we improve carbon footprint while maintaining profit?
19 Dominique Tristant PLANET PROFIT PEOPLE only - 1% (constraint) -4 % for energy consumptions - 4% for GWP - 8 % people fed (calory) + 1% people fed (protein) = for people fed (high quality protein) Cows diets : More alfalfa and rapeseed cake Less complete feed Crops: More beans and alfalfa Less cereals Minimize total GHG emissions while maintaining profit
20 Dominique Tristant 2. Good prices for cereals Rise in energetic feedstuffs prices 1. Initial situation 3. Explosion of cereals price Idem for energetic feedstuffs Increase for fuel and fertilizers (N) Short increase for proteins 4. Can we improve carbon footprint while maintaining profit? 5. Interest of additives ? More productive cows (+1.2kg/day) NDF digestion increased ( more ME and MP) (tricarico and al., 2006) Less GHG impact than other protein sources
21 Dominique Tristant PLANET PROFIT PEOPLE = - 7 % for energy consumptions - 7% for GWP - 12 % people fed (calory) - 3% people fed (protein) = for people fed (high quality protein) Cows diets : More NDF (alfalfa) Optigen (72 g/cow/day) and Yea Sacc Crops: More beans and alfalfa Less grass silage Minimize total GHG emissions while maintaining profit
22 Dominique Tristant Etc. 1. Initial situation 2. Western Corn Rootworm crisis 3. Production of rape oil on the farm 4. Release of a constraint: fat maximum rate in the diets % of the energy for tractors on the farm = rape oil agronomy animal nutrition mechanics Necessity of a global approach Where are the levers of sustainable performance of dairy production systems ? PerfAgro simulations in Grignon in 2006 Transform constraints to opportunities
23 Dominique Tristant Since 2006, energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions due to milk production have been decreasing by respectively 40% and 20%. A virtuous dynamic in milk production Standard milk (70g of protein & fat), economic allocation between milk and meat
24 Dominique Tristant In 2010 we have consumed as much energy as 65 French but have fed 8858 people
25 Dominique Tristant New solutions will be developed in order to compensate energy consumptions and GHG emissions that cannot be decreased. Energy crop production (miscanthus, switchgrass …) 1 Biogas productionSolar energy 2 3 Solutions for environmental impact compensation towards a neutral carbon impact of our milk and yogurt !
26 Dominique Tristant The Grignon farm welcomes more than 12,000 visitors per year and communicates also through the diffusion of different types of documents. Communication on productive, high-performing « real agriculture » Communication on environmental improvement pathways of agriculture Communication on benefits that agricultural producers provide to society Positive communication
27 Dominique Tristant Thank you for your attention!!