Deciding factor on whether a person can donate is their physical condition. Persons younger than 18 years of age must have a parent’s or guardian’s consent True or False: There are age limits for donors
How will people know I want to be an organ and tissue donor? Most important, discuss your decision with family members and loved ones!
Even if I have it on license, how will I know my wishes will be carried out? Families cannot override their loved one’s decision if they are age 18 or order.
Which organs can be transplanted? Liver and small intestine Pancreas Kidneys Heart and lungs All of the above
Which tissues can be transplanted? Cornea Heart Valves Bone morrow and connective tissue Skin A, B, C, and D
TRUE or FALSE? If I sign a donor card, I will not receive the same quality of medical care
TRUE or FALSE? I will be able to have an open casket funeral.
Who pays the costs for the organ donation? There are no charges for the organ The state The hospital Donor’s insurance Recipient’s insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid
True or False: It is legal to sell my organs The National Organ Transplant Act (Public Law makes ILLEGAL to sell human organs and tissues.
How are organs distributed?
What criteria is used to match recipients to possible donors?
What do organ procurement organizations do?
True or False: Non-resident aliens can donate and receive organs Organs are allocated according to medical need and not according to citizenship of the person receiving or donating them