REPUBLIC DAY is celebrated to mark the adoption of the Constitution of India and the transition of India from a British Dominion to a republic on JANUARY 26, This is the day when India became a completely independent country as their permanent constitution came into force. Each year 26 January is a National Holiday of India and is celebrated all over the country with a lot of and every Indian heart fills up with patriotic fervour and immense love for motherland. INTRODUCTION
HISTORY OF REPUBLIC DAY Although India got independence on August 15, 1947, it did not yet have its constitution. Its laws were based on the modified colonial Government of India Act, The country was a Dominion, with George VI as head of State and Earl Mountbatten as Governor General. On August 29, 1947, the Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent Constitution, with DR. AMBEDKAR as the Chairman. The Final Constitution of India came into force on January 26, 1950 and this day was the FIRST REPUBLIC DAY OF INDIA.
It is the longest and the most exhaustive Constitution of any independent nation in the world. The PREAMBLE of the constitution defines India as a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. The PRESIDENT OF INDIA is the Head of State elected indirectly by an electoral college for a five-year term. The PRIME MINISTER is the Head of Government and exercises the most executive powers. CONSTITUTION OF INDIA
ON 26 JANUARY 1950 DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD was elected as the FIRST PRESIDENT OF INDIA. This was, infact, signing the Constitution on 26th January, to mark and respect the freedom fighters who wanted 26 January as India's initial INDEPENDENCE DAY.
Every year on 26 January, REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATION takes place with enthusiasm all over the country and especially in the capital, DELHI The event begins with the PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA laying a wreath at the AMAR JAWAN JYOTI at INDIA GATE, commemorating all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country. Soon, a 21 GUN SALUTE is presented. THE PRESIDENT unfurls the NATIONAL FLAG and the NATIONAL ANTHEM is played. This marks the beginning of the PARADE. CELEBRATION OF REPUBLIC DAY
A grand parade begins with winners of GALLANTRY AWARDS passing the President in open jeeps. The President of India, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, TAKES THE SALUTE at the grand parade. It is held in the capital, New Delhi, from the RAISINA HILL near the RASHTRAPATI BHAVAN (PRESIDENT'S PALACE), along the RAJPATH, past INDIA GATE and on to the historic RED FORT.
I The HORSES of the cavalry are attractively caparisoned to suit the occasion. The INDIAN MILITARY also showcases its latest acquisitions such as tanks, missiles, radars, etc The parade is followed by a CULTURAL PROGRAMME from different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those STATES and the music and songs commonly associated with that particular state.
AWARDS and MEDALs of bravery are given by the President to the people from the ARMED FORCES for their EXCEPTIONAL COURAGE in the field and also to those CIVILIANS/ CHILDREN who have distinguished themselves by their different ACTS OF VALOUR in different situations.
School-children from all over the country also participate in the parade showcasing folk dances and singing to the tunes of PATRIOTIC SONGS. The most cheered section of the parade is when the children who have won NATIONAL BRAVERY AWARDS ride past the dais on elephants.
HELICOPTERs from the ARMED FORCES fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. The military parade is followed by a colourful cultural parade. India's rich cultural heritage is depicted in the form of tableaus from various states. Each state depicts its unique festivals, historical locations and art. This exhibition of diversity and richness of the culture of India lends a festive air to the occasion.
The Republic Day celebration is a three day extravaganza and post this celebration at India Gate, on the 27th January, a Prime Minister's Rally is held by a crème of N.C.C cadets displaying various breath-taking performances and drills. PM RALLY
Beating The Retreat officially denotes the end ofRepublic Day festivities. All important Government Buildings are beautifully decorated with lights every evening from 26th to 29th. Beating the Retreat ceremony is conducted on the evening of January 29, the third day after the Republic Day. The ceremony starts by the massed bands of the three services marching in unison, playing popular marching tunes. This is followed by the bugle call for Retreat, the band master then marches to the President and requests permission to take the bands away, and informs that the closing ceremony is now complete. The bands march back playing a popular martial tune Saare Jahan Se Achcha BEATING THE RETREAT