Plant Names By Cassandra Laughton
Red Oak Quercus rubra Red Oak Tree The red oak tree can reach of height of 80 feet. It can also attain a girth of up to 3 feet. Northern red oak is the only native oak extending northeast to Nova Scotia. It grows from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, to Ontario, in Canada; from Minnesota South to eastern Nebraska and Oklahoma; east to Arkansas, southern Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. Outliers are found in Louisiana and Mississippi
Hybrid Rhododendron Rhododendron x catawabniense Catawba hybrid rhododendron Shrub Seed Parent x Pollen Parent: catawbiense hybrid or selection Predominate Flower Color: Purple Flower / Truss Description: Flower funnel-shaped, lilac purple with a few reddish or pale brown markings. Ball-shaped truss contains about 17 flowers. Fragrant: None Bloom Time: Late Midseason Height (ft.) in 10 Yrs: 6 Cold Hardiness Temperature: -20°F (-29°C) Foliage Description / Plant Habit: Leaves elliptic, mid green. Dense and spreading habit. Tough plant that takes heat and sun. Grows in time to small tree-size. Elepidote (E) or Lepidote (L): E Hybridizer: Boursault
Exbury Hybrid Azalea Rhododendron Hybrid Exbury Hybrid Azalea Shrub Hardiness: At least -10F, some to -45F. Type: deciduous shrubs Size: 4-6’ tall x 3-4’ wide (at least) Exposure: Full to partial sun Soil: Well drained Fall color: usually bright red Growth Habit: Upright, vase shape. Growth rate: slow-moderate Bloom Time: around May
Hybrid Tea Rose Rosa spp. Class hybrid tea cv. Hybrid Tea Rose Shrub Height: 4-6 ft. ( m) Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer Mid Summer Late Summer/Early Fall Blooms repeatedly
Meadow Sage Salvia nemorosa cv. Meadow Sage Perennial Exposure: Full sun Hardiness: Hardy Soil type: Well-drained/light, Chalky/alkaline, Dry, Sandy Height: 75cm Spread: 53cm
Sedum Datei Fetthenne Sedum Perennial Full sun to partial shade Performs best in full sun in moist, well-drained soils Under 6 in. (15 cm) Germany