Capabilities Briefing March 6, 2014
About Us Fully integrated marketing communications Team of 50+ #14 on O’Dwyer’s list of largest healthcare PR firms Top 15 GSA AIMS Contractor Annapolis and D.C. Offices
Government Healthcare
The Crosby Team for AHRQ Leader in health research, program implementation, evaluation. The Center for Community Health & Evaluation and the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation bring research and evidenced- based innovations to care delivery. Nation’s most trusted provider of health information and largest provider of health education/CMEs. An innovation consultancy, helping healthcare organizations find new ways to collaborate, learn and enter new markets. Leading manager of in-person and virtual conferences, meetings and workshops.
The Crosby Team for AHRQ National Area Health Education Centers Organization provides reach in rural and urban communities. Leading behavioral science researchers: organizational change, knowledge management, diffusion of innovations. Policies and practices to end disparities in healthcare.
Our Integrated Approach/Capabilities
CDS Stakeholder Input Market Analysis and Environmental Scan Focus Group Research Strategic Roadmap for PCOR Dissemination Disseminating PCOR Through Clinical Decision Support Knowledge Suppliers Professional Societies EHR/CDS Vendors CMIOs/CNIOs Clinicians/End-Users Patients
Clinical outreach and knowledge transfer initiatives Create tools and patient aids to increase utilization Promote research studies: posters, jackets, microsites Conference support – materials, presentations, outreach Helping Clinicians Improve Care For Chronic Pain Patients Clinical Study Microsite and Slip Case Implementation Guides
Daily text-based interventions make the desired behavior easy Seamless links to branded online platforms (mobile, web) Increase awareness through integrated communications Digital Tools Help People Make Healthy Choices
National Outreach To Increase Organ Donation Communications research, creative testing Multi-cultural outreach, PSAs, media relations OPO network collaboration
Donation Process Video Facebook Page (100k+ Likes) Mobile Website
Encourage healthcare organizations, IT service providers to get CORE certified Open doors for C-level dialogue High-impact ad, media coverage Supporting a National Healthcare IT Initiative
Two Decades of Grassroots Tobacco Prevention Programs Gaming App Educates Teens Toolkits for Educators and Public Health Officials