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‘Republique francaise’…
Contents 1 / Overview 2 / Background of market 3 / Culture & Business Practices 4 / Opportunity & Risk
Overview of France Capital : Paris (largest city) Official language : French Area : 214,890 sq miles Population Currency : Euro (€), Franc - Total : 63,587,700(2006) - Structure : 92% French, 3% North African, 2% German, 1% Bretagne, 2% etc (5 million people of Muslims)
Backgrounds of market : Population
Backgrounds of market : Population
Backgrounds of market : Population France is now entering into the aging society
Backgrounds of market : Fertility Rate (children born/woman)
Backgrounds of market : Economics F r a n c e GDP (2005) Inflation Rate : 2% - Total : $1.830 trillion - Per capita : $29,316 Yearly Growth Rate : 4% Major products : Oil, Steel, Agriculture, Luxury goods Major trading countries : EU, USA
Backgrounds of market : Economics France's GDP growth is relatively robust. The unemployment rate is high, at nearly 10%. (Creating jobs is the top priority of the government) France's poverty rate remains one of the lowest in the world. France joined in EU in March 1957 & adopted the euro as its currency in January 1999
Backgrounds of market : Trade Policies Import and Trade Tariffs : Duties are applied to imports from non-EU countries Trade policies are determined by European Union agreements and practices - FTAs : Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Hungary,... (26 countries) - Most raw materials : duty-free or at low rates - Most manufactured goods : rate between 5 and 17 percent - Most agricultural product imports : strictly regulated based on EU and French standards
Culture& Business Practices : Cultural Behavior Punctuality is treated very casually in France. France is a highly stratified society, with strong definition and competition between classes. The French handshake is brief, and is accompanied by a short span of eye contact. Always shake hands when meeting someone, as well as when leaving. The French have a great respect for privacy because they are privacy-sensitive people.
Relationships & Communication Appointments are necessary and should be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Do not try to schedule meetings during July or August. (common vacation period) Business Meetings Etiquette Emphasizing courtesy and a degree of formality. The French appear extremely direct because they are not afraid of asking probing questions. Culture & Business Practices : Business Etiquette
Business Cards Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions. Include any advanced academic degrees. French business cards are often a bit larger than in many other countries. The handshake is a common form of greeting. Business can be conducted during any meal, but lunch is best. Business dress is stylish. General Etiquette Culture& Business Practices : Business Etiquette
Opportunity & Risk : Market Opportunities Food Safety & Security Equipment Computer Service Telecommunication Automotive Parts Equipment Medical Equipment
Opportunity & Risk : Market Risk
High chronic unemployment rate (since the 1970s) A failure of inconsistent policies Low participation of specific groups such as the low-skilled and those nearing retirement age Relatively low average hours worked Low Labor Performance Policy considerations often hamper the emergence of effective competition It reduces productivity growth and hinders job creation in regulated sectors Opportunity & Risk : Market Risk !!! Instability of Labor Market Restrictions on competition
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