Sources Of Energy Made By:- Students of 8 th A Rushil Nayee-51 Nishant Inamdar-06 Deep shah-55 Nidhip Sharma- 30
Sources of Energy
Non-renewable sources of energy The sources of energy that are in limited stocks & cannot be renewed or replenished in a short period of time is called non-renewable sources of energy…… Mineral oil, petroleum, Natural gas, etc are examples for non-renewable sources of energy…… These kind of energy is obtained from the interior of the earth as a mineral wealth, whose formation takes millions of years… The stock of these energy decreases with their continuous use. Therefore it is advisable to make more use of renewable resources then non-renewable sources of energy……. Due to its increased use, there is a possibility of its getting exhausted in the near future..
Some points of non-renewable sources of energy… Ignition Temperature: The temperature at which a substance starts burning in presence of air is known as ignition temperature…. Ignition temperature of each substance is different…..A substance cannot ignite below its ignition point…..Combustion: When a substance is being burnt it combines with oxygen of air & produces heat and light. This reaction is known as combustion… Combustion process can be classified in two categories depending on the quantity of oxygen received by the substance during combustion… 1)Complete combustion, & 2)Incomplete combustion…..
Complete Combustion: If during combustion the fuel gets oxygen in sufficient quantity then its combustion is complete… When complete combustion of a substance takes place the it burns with a blue flame and liberates more heat….. Incomplete Combustion: If during combustion the fuel does not get oxygen in sufficient quantity, then its combustion is incomplete…. When incomplete combustion of a substance takes place then it burns with a smoky flame…..
Fuel: The substance whose combustion gives energy is known as a fuel… Heat energy obtained by combustion of fuel can be converted into different forms of energy…. Fossil Fuels: Remnants of plants & animals buried in the earth’s interior undergo transformations due to the pressure of the crust above &the heat of the interior over millions of years. These form the Fossil Fuels….. Mineral coal, petroleum, & natural gas are fossil fuels…
Classificatio n of Fuels… Classification of fuels can be done on the basis of its form as given below: Solid Fuel : Wood, dung cakes, agricultural garbage, charcoal, mineral coal, coke, etc. are solid fuels… Liquid Fuel: We make extensive use of liquid fuel such as kerosene, petrol, diesel, fuel oil, etc. obtained by distillation of petroleum.. Gas Fuel: Fuels such as natural gas, LPG, CNG, etc. are included in the gas fuel…
Substance connected directly or indirectly with the combustion are divided into three categories: Combustible Substances: A substance whose combustion can take place is known as combustible substance….. Substance formed by carbon and compounds of hydrocarbons such as mineral coal, petroleum, natural gas are combustible substances… Combustion enhancing substances: A substance which takes part in the combustion process and is necessary for combustion and whose presence itself makes the combustion process rapid is known as a combustion enhancing substances… Oxygen is a combustion enhancing substance……
Combustion inhibiting substances: The substance which halts the combustion process is known as a combustion inhibiting substances… Solid carbon dioxide commonly known as dry ice, is a combustion inhibiting substances….
Advantages Of Renewable Resources It is available cost free. Unlimited source of energy, available in continuous basis and also in huge quantity…. Free from pollution, does not cause harm to the environment…Easily available in our country(India)..Nobody has ownership right or monopoly over it…It does not get depleted by using it… The energy obtained from such sources can easily be converted into chemical energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, electrical energy & light energy.. No transportation cost…
Personal Effects There is a risk to human health due to spreading of pollution…. The laborers working in coal mines suffer from difficulty in breathing and also sickness of lungs… Radioactive waste is produced in laboratories engaged in nuclear research and testing, & also in nuclear reactors. Radiation emitted from such substances are harmful for living beings. Although nuclear reactors are designed taking extreme protection, in case of some accident or mishap, if such start leaking, then exposed persons can have fatal illness like cancer. If such radiations cause harm to genes and chromosomes then its effect can be seen in subsequent generations in the form of some genetic defect or deformity…
Social Effects To meet the increased demand of energy, fossil fuels has be imported. Foreign exchange used for it is quite expensive… With the quantity of electricity being produced remaining limited, if the demand for energy increases, then “power cuts” have to be imposed….
Effects On Environment The proportion of carbon dioxide is the atmosphere keeps on increasing and consequently green house effect also increases, & thus, temperature of the earth increases… Digging out large amount of fossil fuels from the interior can create large cavities under the crust of the earth, making the crust unstable… By using fossil fuels in thermal power station and in industries, acid rain occurs…. It has harmful effect on the ozone layer..Forest area is decreasing, environmental balance is in danger… Irregularity of rain has increased. Radiations emitted from radioactive substances causes atmospheric pollution….
Solar Energy To us, sun is the fundamental source of energy. The energy obtained from the sun is known as “ Solar Energy”. In all forms of energy: convectional-non-convectional, non-renewable, renewable (except nuclear, tidal, & geothermal energy) the source is solar energy.. Solar energy, being renewable energy, all the advantages mentioned above can be obtained using it….
Uses of solar energy in natural way Sun gives us light & heat energy… Presently we are using mineral, coal, petroleum & natural gas which are the chemical forms of solar energy stored over the past … Temperature difference between the land regions and the sea due to solar heating drive the winds. Thus, solar energy is responsible for the wind energy… Solar energy is also responsible for rains. Thus, hydro energy is also obtain due to sun only… Bio-mass is also a solid form of solar energy…
Technology & Energy New technolo gy Consump tion of energy Energy crisis Invention of new source of energy Develop ment of machiner -y