2009 Watch keeping principle Watch keeping principle- Simple mistakes leads to serious damages
2009 Watch keeping principle Oil Spill- A case study Following is the detailed Sequence of Events leading to the Spill. Position of Vessel during the time of Incident: N E Vessel Course: 290 (T) and Speed 11.0 kts Weather Conditions: WNW x kts. Swell: NW/6- 7mtrs. Vessel was rolling moderately and pitching heavily during the time.
2009 Watch keeping principle Nearest Land: Vessel was about 350nm from the nearest "Midway Island" which is a part of Hawaiian Islands which extends from W to W consisting a long chain of Islands. The Main islands of Hawaii were about 1400nm from vessel position. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: 16th Jan'09:2100hrs D/Engr manned the E/R for routine UMS rounds. 16th Jan'09: 2140hrs - D/Engr started F.O. transfer pump on manual mode to check whether the pump is taking suction. After checking the pump, D/Engr forgot to stop the pump or change it to "AUTO" mode. Fuel oil was being transferred from #4(S) db tank to settling tank. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: 16th Jan'09:2200hrs D/Engr unmanned the engine room without checking the settling tank level or transfer pump. Since transfer pump was on manual, it filled up settling tank and started overflowing as settling tank high level alarm didn't sound due to mal function in the relay unit. After that #1 service tank (which was cleaned and empty) was filled up to 14 m3 by gravity. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: 16th Jan' hrs Then F.O. over flow tank (Cap 22 m3) got filled up. Overflow tank high level alarm (set at 15 m3) also didn't activate. After the tank is full, fuel oil overflowed through air pipe on the poop deck and mist chamber in the funnel. Duty engineer (3/E) manned engine room to accept an alarm (F.O sludge tank high level), then he noticed oil from the overflow pipe and immediately stopped the transfer pump Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: 16th Jan' hrs On inspection of E/R Bottom Platform found Oil on the floor plates from the sounding pipe of Overflow tank. Alarm was raised and all crew mustered and found the Poop deck Stbd side was filled with oil and also noticed the Oil was overflowing from the drip tray of the F.O. Overflow tank, but could not determine whether any Oil was going overboard due to dark hours. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: All Scuppers were plugged immediately and clean up of Oil spill on deck was initiated. From 16th Jan' to 0700hrs LT on 17th Jan'09 clean up of E/R,Poop deck and Boat deck was in progress. Have noticed Oil Stain on the Stbd ship side right from top to the rubbing bar(could not determine exactly below that) for over a length of about 10 mtrs and small patches thereafter till about 4mtrs from the aft end. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Sequence of Events: Oil escaped through Funnel Mist Chamber Ventilators and was spilling on Lifeboat embarkation deck, Funnel deck and funnel is sprayed with F.O. About 2cms depth of Oil was observed in the Poop deck Stbd side which was extending right aft till the mooring winches and also on the Port Side. However apparently no Oil stain noticed on the Port Side Ship side. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Possible reasons for alarm malfunction: Settling tank level indicator and alarm unit is fitted outside the settling tank and it is of a relay type. It is connected to the unit with a string from the float which is inside the settling tank. During the overflow time it was found the string of the level sensor and indicator was struck at 14 m3. That was the reason there was no alarm from this unit which is set at 21 m3. Settling tank alarm was last tried (as a part of 3 monthly routines) and was found working satisfactorily. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle Independent to the tank level and alarm system for cutting in/cutting out of the pump The high level alarm of fuel Oil Overflow tank was tested on and found satisfactory. The alarm is situated inside the F.O overflow tank and normally alarm is tested only by shorting the leads. Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle
2009 Watch keeping principle Conclusion--- Please take things seriously----- One simple mistake can lead to serious consequences out at sea.