RDA in NACO Module 10 Non-Latin Languages. 2 2 RDA and AACR2 in Non-Latin Authority Work As in other areas, most NACO instructions on NAR creation are.


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Presentation transcript:

RDA in NACO Module 10 Non-Latin Languages

2 2 RDA and AACR2 in Non-Latin Authority Work As in other areas, most NACO instructions on NAR creation are the same as under AACR2 Choices of the agency creating the data are emphasized “Names written in a non-preferred script” (RDA ) vs. “Names written in a nonroman script” (AACR2 22.3C)

3 3 RDA as Compared to AACR2 in Non-Latin Cataloging RDA is less Anglo-centric than AACR2 It focuses on user needs, as stressed in the International Cataloging Principles The agency preparing the description can make choices regarding: –Language of additions to access points –Language of supplied data –Script and transliteration –Calendar –Numeric system

4 4 RDA in Non-Latin Cataloging Language –Choose a well-accepted form of name in the language and script preferred by the agency creating the data Name written in a non-preferred script –Choose the preferred name in the preferred language of the agency creating the data; follow ALA-LC Romanization Tables –Non-Latin forms may be recorded as variant access points (already possible for JACKPHY languages)

5 5 Documentation and Guidelines ALA Romanization Tables Guidelines for non-Latin script references Background info - White Paper: issues related to non- latin characters in name authority records RDA Toolkit PCC web site PSD web site DCMZ1, MARC Authority Format, etc.

6 6 RDA – Promises it holds In AACR2, many undifferentiated NARs have been created because differing non-Latin characters must be romanized similarly Newly implemented RDA fields help to differentiate many previously undifferentiated names

7 7 New Fields under RDA: 370 “associated place” Name #1: Huang, Yan ( 黄彦 ) Birthdate: $c Taiwan $e Xinzhu Xian, Taiwan Name #2: Huang, Yan ( 黄雁 ) Birthdate unvailable 370 $c China $e Hubei Sheng, China

8 8 New Fields under RDA: 372 and 374 “field of activity” (372) and “occupation” (374) Name #1: Ch’oe, Yŏng-gi (최 영기) 374 $a Literary critic Name #2: Ch’oe, Yŏng-gi (최 영기) 374 $a Political scientist

9 9 New Fields under RDA: 375 “gender” Name #1: Takeuchi, Kaoru, ( 竹內薰 ) Birthdate: $a female Name #2: Takeuchi, Kaoru, ( 武內薰 ) Birthdate: October 8, $a male

10 New Fields under RDA: 046 ISO 8601 Format –Single year

11 New Fields under RDA: 046 ISO 8601 Format –Year/Month/Day

12 New Fields under RDA: 046 ISO 8601 Format –If only year and month, add hyphen

13 New Fields under RDA: 046 ISO 8601 Format –B.C. date

14 ISO 8601 Format – Century New Fields under RDA: 046

15 ISO 8601 Format New Fields under RDA: 046 – Active date

16 New Fields under RDA: 046 EDTF date scheme ($2) –Probable date

17 New Fields under RDA: 046 EDTF date scheme ($2) –Approximate date

18 New Fields under RDA: 046 EDTF date scheme ($2) –Known to be one of two years

19 Note: There is no such thing as an ESTABLISHED or AUTHORIZED non-Latin HEADING in RDA --just as in AACR2.

20 Non-Latin references in authority records usually reflect the practices used to create parallel access points in bibliographic fields— thus the style varies with the practices for different languages.

21 As yet, there are no LC- or PCC-sponsored guidelines for the construction of non-Latin references in authority records. A wide variety of practices can be viewed in the LC-NACO Authority File. Variety is specially evident in references using right-to-left scripts—the scripts of the “HAPY” languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Yiddish, and a few others using the Hebrew or Arabic scripts.

22 This Arabic heading includes both $c and $d. 1 st Arabic reference: no subfields 2 nd Arabic reference: $c in the script of $a 3 rd Arabic reference: $c in English

23 The presence of Latin characters can be jarring, in parenthetical English qualifiers or such words or abbreviations as “or” and “approximately”. Some libraries provide translated qualifiers and abbreviations in non-Latin references, others omit them entirely. reference contains Arabic word for “or” 1 st ref, no qualifier; 2 nd ref, Hebrew qualifier; 3 rd ref, English qualifier

24 The authority record on the next slide, for a very popular author, shows a great variety of references. At present it has 32 Latin references and 84 non- Latin ones. Here are a few favorites.

25 1 st reference: surname, forename, no dates 2 nd reference: surname, forename, dates right to left 3 rd reference: all forenames, no dates 4 th reference: all forenames, dates left to right 5 th reference: all forenames, dates right to left 6 th reference: all forenames, dates REALLY right to left 7 th reference: all forenames, date of death only with Hebrew abbreviation

26 Open Questions on Non-Latin References Neither AACR2 nor RDA provides rules for creating non-Latin 880 fields in bibliographic records Neither AACR2 nor RDA provides rules for creating non-Latin references in authority records

27 Linked Data Environment The future of information access Non-Latin records accessed by the wider community Keep in mind the user tasks advocated by RDA THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT AND CLEAR!