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Israelite Kings Early Hebrew History Ancient Documents and sites Jewish Life and Traditions Random Category 100 Point 200 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points 100 Point 200 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points Israel Historical Events
He was known for his bravery and courage- some even called him a “giant-killer”
He built a magnificent temple that was paid for by taxing the 10 northern tribes
He appointed the first king of Israel
He was the first king of Israel
This king was not an Israelite; in fact, he conquered the Jews and forced 10,000 of them into exile in Babylon in 597 B.C.
The Israelites believed they were descended from this man
This man raised 12 sons who went on to form the 12 tribes of Israel
Moses is said to have received this at the top of this mountain
The Torah (including the 10 Commandments) on Mount Sinai
It’s the name of the promised land that Moses and his people were heading back toward from Egypt
It is the name of one group of Canaanites who lived in cities along the Mediterranean, and were known for their sailing abilities and alphabet
After Solomon died, his empire split into these two parts with this many tribes in each
Israel with 10 tribes in the north; Judah with 2 in the South
Though no one knows for sure, it is likely that the Romans stole this relic when they conquered the Jews in the A.D. 60s and 70s
The Ark of the Covenant, containing the original 10 Commandments
This group fled Greek controlled cities when the Greeks tried to make them worship Greek gods; they returned to drive the Greeks out of Judah
The Maccabees, led by Judas Maccabeus
This group of Jews wanted to fight the Romans, and in 66 A.D. they successfully drove them out of the land, until 4 years later…
This conquering group was mostly responsible for the Diaspora of the Jews, and, it’s what Diaspora means
The Greeks; Diaspora means the scattering of Jews outside of Judah and Israel
It’s what the Hebrew Bible is known as to a Christian
The Old Testament
It is the city where Solomon’s temple and the center of the Jewish faith is today
The two names for what remains of Solomon’s Temple
Western Wall and Wailing Wall
Though this isn’t a specific document, it is found in a document, and means a promise with god
This collection of teachings comments on many topics, including geography, religion, and folklore
The Talmud
It’s the name for the rules that regulate the Jewish diet
It is the name for the Jewish holy day of the week
It is the name for a Jewish place of worship
This December celebration lasts 8 days; it celebrates when the Greek gods were driven from the temple
Jewish men wore these garments made of linen
This woman was a model of devotion to family, and is considered to be Jewish women’s best role model
This is the name of a Jewish holy teacher
It’s the name of the religion of the Israelites
A person who is said to be instructed by god is called this; Samuel was one
These two early groups conquered Israel because they wanted the trade routes that ran through it
Assyrians and Chaldeans
Make your wager
These six civilizations all conquered or ruled over the Jews, yet Jewish traditions and religion have survived to this day
Egyptians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans