The Hebrews and Judaism CHAPTER 2 SECTION 3
Key Terms Judaism Torah Abraham Covenant Patriarch Moses Exodus Diaspora Monotheism
The Early Hebrews Nomadic pastoralists 2000-1500BC in Fertile Crescent Judaism- laws and requirements of their religion Later formed the Hebrew and Christian Bible
The Early Hebrews The Hebrew Fathers Torah Abraham- shepherd in Ur The five books of early Hebrew history Abraham- shepherd in Ur God told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia Covenant-promised to lead Abraham to a new land
The Early Hebrews Canaan- was the promised land Abraham Jacob was his grandson Had 12 sons Ancestors of the 12 tribes Jacob called Israel Became the Israelites
The Early Hebrews Patriarch- ancestral father Israelites and modern Jews Consider Abraham His son Isaac Isaac's son Jacob Israelites left Canaan for Egypt lived well Later became slaves
Moses and the Exodus Bitter toil as slaves Moses Born of an Israelite Raised in Pharaoh's palace God spoke to him Went to Pharaoh for release Pharaoh refused
Moses and the Exodus Exodus-Moses lead Israelites out of Egypt Series of plagues hit Egypt Exodus-Moses lead Israelites out of Egypt Proved God loved them Passover- special meal in the spring Wandered desert for years
Moses and the Exodus Sinai Mountain God gave Moses the ten commandments States only God exists Importance of self control Israelis made a new covenant Major influence on Western civilization
The Promised Land Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years Land of milk and honey Israelites battled to win back Canaan Now called Israel
Kingdom of Israel Settled in scattered communities Organized by the 12 tribes Deborah most effective judges said the Bible Prophets carried the message of faith
Saul, David, Solomon 1000BC Philistines attacked Saul- first king, good fighter David Second king People loved him Strong king Israel grew Jerusalem became the capitol
Saul, David, Solomon Solomon Israel reached its height Praised for his wisdom Traded with other powers Became very rich Built a magnificent temple
Division and Conquest After Solomon’s death Ten tribes formed Israel Two tribes formed Judah Israel fell to the Assyrians Judah to the Chaldeans Destroyed the temple Brought thousands of Jews to Babylon Diaspora-the scattering of the Jews outside Judah
Teachings of Judaism Belief in One God Monotheistic Most ancient world was not World’s first monotheistic religion
Justice and Righteousness Treating people with kindness Doing what is right Emphasis on righteousness Strong code of ethics This tradition later carried to Christianity Judeo-Christian Ethic
Obedience to Law Most important laws Mosaic Law Ten commandments Guides many areas of Jewish life How and when to worship Limits the food eaten How foods are prepared Today food prepared this way is called kosher
Jewish Sacred Texts Most sacred is the Torah Talmud First part of Hebrew Bible Early prophets Writing that contain lessons Talmud Written over the centuries Explains and interprets other texts Helps Jews stay united