Librarians Strengthening Partnerships: Ongoing Collaborations with Colleagues in Medical and Healthcare Education Cynthia Robinson, AAHSL and Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center; Lauren Maggio, Western LiME and Stanford University School of Medicine; Jacqueline Doyle, AAHSL and University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix; Julia Sollenberger, AAHSL and University of Rochester Medical Center AAHSL’s Teaching & Learning Oversight Committee (TLOC) is the coordinating body for these efforts, including: Partnering to determine and assess competencies related to evidence based search, retrieval and evaluation skills. Supporting LiME in taking responsibility for literature searching courses in MERC. Developing self-paced, interactive instructional modules that teach and assess competencies of evidence-based search, retrieval and evaluation skills. Conducting research to address research priorities outlined in IIME and GEA reports. In collaboration with AMIA and/or GIR, developing a review article on the current state of integration of evidence-based information into the electronic health record. Communicating with AAHSL members regarding progress on implementation plan. Contact: Cynthia Robinson, Penn State University, Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) & Group on Information Resources (GIR) Libraries in Medical Education (LiME) Association of Academic Health Centers (AAHC) American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Collaboration Focus Areas EDUCATION RESEARCH Partners: AAHSL and GEA Coordinated by: AAHSL Education Research Task Force Activities/Progress: Conducts collaborative research with GEA and others to address the research priorities outlined in the IIME report on reshaping the future of medical education. Currently conducting a systematic literature review to document the state of educational research in four key areas. Contact: Karen Brewer, New York University, ONLINE INSTRUCTIONAL MODULE DEVELOPMENT Partners: LiME, AAHSL, GEA Coordinated by: LiME/AAHSL Joint Task Force Activities/Progress: Develops self-paced, interactive instructional modules that teach and assess competencies in evidence-based search, retrieval and evaluation skills. Currently refining the MERC course on "Literature Searching in Medical Education" with GEA. Contact: Lauren Maggio, Stanford University, and Kerry O’Rourke, UMDMJ, INFORMATICS CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Partners: AAHSL, AAHC, AMIA and other AAHC affiliates Coordinated by: Rick Forsman, AAHSL Teaching/Learning Project Manager Activities/Progress: AAHSL participates on an AAHC/AMIA Steering Committee formed to develop an inter-professional informatics curriculum. In November a major grant proposal will be submitted to establish shared learning objectives and design a core curriculum for use across all heath professions. Contact: Project Manager, Rick Forsman, AAHSL, AAMC’s GEA/GIR, AMIA, AAHC and LiME share a vision and many similar goals for the education of physicians and other health professions across the continuum and throughout their careers, among them: evidence-based healthcare principles and skills learning needs assessment, competencies and outcomes assessment development of self-paced, interactive instruction health sciences educational research integration of evidence-based information into the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Partnerships among these organizations offer extraordinary opportunities to achieve these and other mutually complementary goals.