Is Sales Training the Missing Piece of the Puzzle in Your Business?
Selling is a Process It begins with finding people who have a need for your product or service.
Then, you convince them to meet with you…either in person or over the phone.
You must make a great first impression…putting them at ease.
Next, you qualify them as to their true needs.
You present benefits.
Address their concerns.
And earn their business.
Which step is your strongest? Which is your weakest? Can you afford the result of weakness in any of these steps ?
Join master sales trainer, Tom Hopkins for 4 hours that will make all the difference in how your 2008 selling year ends. Saturday, November 15 Anaheim Convention Center OR 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Thursday, November 20 Burbank Marriott Airport 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Tuition Only $99