Jesus of Nazareth Messiah? Founder of a religion? Man? God?
Jesus? (and Mary?)
Jesus as a Jew Enjoyed historical background of his people Spirit had been known to other Jewish prophets Fasting and solitude were known routes to knowing God Enjoyed historical background of his people Spirit had been known to other Jewish prophets Fasting and solitude were known routes to knowing God
Palestine during Jesus’ time
Politics of Jesus' Time In Roman servitude for more than a century: Not free and taxed excessively Several different sub-groups of Jews: Sadducees Essenes Pharisees “Zealots” In Roman servitude for more than a century: Not free and taxed excessively Several different sub-groups of Jews: Sadducees Essenes Pharisees “Zealots”
Sadducees Fairly well off Many members of priestly families In charge of Temple Tried to make the best of a bad situation Accommodated themselves to Hellenic culture and Roman Rule Mostly about assimilation Accepted Torah not other books, created conflicts Fairly well off Many members of priestly families In charge of Temple Tried to make the best of a bad situation Accommodated themselves to Hellenic culture and Roman Rule Mostly about assimilation Accepted Torah not other books, created conflicts
Essenes Considered world too corrupt to allow Judaism to remake itself Essentially “dropped out” Lived in property sharing communes Lives were characterized by piety and a certain amount of asceticism Considered world too corrupt to allow Judaism to remake itself Essentially “dropped out” Lived in property sharing communes Lives were characterized by piety and a certain amount of asceticism
Pharisees Remained within society Wanted to ensure piety of priests Wanted to revitalize Judaism through adhering to Jewish law Emphasized daily practice & Scriptures Accepted more writings than Sadduccees Appreciated Oral tradition Foundations of Rabbinical Judaism Remained within society Wanted to ensure piety of priests Wanted to revitalize Judaism through adhering to Jewish law Emphasized daily practice & Scriptures Accepted more writings than Sadduccees Appreciated Oral tradition Foundations of Rabbinical Judaism
“Zealots” Perhaps not highly organized Thought that the fate of the Jewish people would only change through violence Acts of Resistance culminated in revolt of CE which led to the Second Destruction of the Temple Perhaps not highly organized Thought that the fate of the Jewish people would only change through violence Acts of Resistance culminated in revolt of CE which led to the Second Destruction of the Temple
Jesus as another option Wanted Change, unlike Sadducees Unlike Essenes, stayed in the world (did he?) Wanted peace and said “love your enemy” (unlike “Zealots”) Wanted Change, unlike Sadducees Unlike Essenes, stayed in the world (did he?) Wanted peace and said “love your enemy” (unlike “Zealots”)
Jesus as another option (continued) Pharisees emphasized Yahweh’s holiness Jesus emphasized Yahweh’s compassion Although Jesus believed Yahweh was holy, his emphasis would change his notion of the Jews’ relationships to other groups Pharisees emphasized Yahweh’s holiness Jesus emphasized Yahweh’s compassion Although Jesus believed Yahweh was holy, his emphasis would change his notion of the Jews’ relationships to other groups
How was Jesus both “deeply Jewish” and yet standing in tension with Judaism?
Jerusalem in Jesus’ Time
Holy Week Palm Sunday Other Days Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday
Sequence of Key Events Last Supper – Passover, basis of “communion” or Eucharist celebrations Prayer in Gethsemane Arrest “betrayal” Last Supper – Passover, basis of “communion” or Eucharist celebrations Prayer in Gethsemane Arrest “betrayal” Trial(s) Crucifixion Burial Resurrection
Gospel of Matthew Written ca CE Intended for Jewish Audience “New Moses/New Torah” Quotes Hebrew Scriptures Sermon on the Mount like Moses preaching from Sinai Written ca CE Intended for Jewish Audience “New Moses/New Torah” Quotes Hebrew Scriptures Sermon on the Mount like Moses preaching from Sinai Winged Angel, symbol of help during Jesus’ birth & Infancy
Gospel of Mark Perhaps oldest: written CE Source for Matthew and Luke Shortest, simplest gospel No infancy stories Begins with Jesus’ adult life Perhaps oldest: written CE Source for Matthew and Luke Shortest, simplest gospel No infancy stories Begins with Jesus’ adult life Winged lion signifies the opening of the gospel in the desert
Gospel of Luke Written ca 85 CE Characterized by sense of wonder Speaks of God’s spirit in the world Called the “women’s gospel”: Mary & Elizabeth Good Samaritan story epitomizes role of underdog Written for Greco-Roman people Notion of all as neighbors Written ca 85 CE Characterized by sense of wonder Speaks of God’s spirit in the world Called the “women’s gospel”: Mary & Elizabeth Good Samaritan story epitomizes role of underdog Written for Greco-Roman people Notion of all as neighbors Winged Ox signifies the gospel’s opening in Jerusalem, sacrifice of animals at Temple there
Written CE Views human life as a struggle Images of light and darkness Rays of light: have an open heart Connections to Zoroastrianism? Gnosticism? Jesus depicted as God incarnate “I am the light of the world” “I am the bread of life” Written CE Views human life as a struggle Images of light and darkness Rays of light: have an open heart Connections to Zoroastrianism? Gnosticism? Jesus depicted as God incarnate “I am the light of the world” “I am the bread of life” Eagle signifies the majesty and “height” of God’s word Gospel of John