A comprehensive, extended-time intervention for struggling students that ensures success in Algebra I Intensified Algebra I
Achieve Transformative Results Course Programs and assessments designed to address the Common Core Standards Elevate teacher effectiveness with comprehensive, integrated system for teaching and learning Students take responsibility for their own achievement (engaged, motivated, persevere) Agile Mind 2013
Unique Learning Model Visualization of key concepts – simulations, animations Student individual private access to online material Student-centered and teacher-facilitated Online digital interactive content
Strategic Partnerships The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) The Noyce Foundation,Silicon Valley Math Initiative University of Illinois at Chicago- Learning Sciences Research Center A growing network of researchers committed to independently studying our work, including Brian Rowan, Howard Everson, James Pellegrino, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, Inverness Research, and others Key Funding Partners: U.S. Department of Education National Science Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Agile Mind Programs CCSS Math SolutionsAdvanced Courses Middle School MathematicsPrecalculus Algebra I & IIAP® Calculus GeometryAP® Statistics Intervention CoursesMathematics Assessments Intensified Algebra IAgile Assessments Academic Youth Development
PARCC Prototype Tasks Collaborative project between PARCC, the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Arizona, the City University of New York, Agile Mind, Inc., and a select group of expert consultants. Confidential Agile Mind technology platform, tools, and methods for developing next-generation assessments were chosen for prototyping the PARCC Assessment tasks. Check out: for latest prototypes!
Supporting the CCSS Transition Agile Mind editions –Version 1-3; Courses developed for the CCSS (not just aligned to the CCSS) –Instructional support for both CCSS and existing state learning standards –Content introduced earlier –Instructional and assessment resources support the student development in areas highlighted in Standards for Mathematical Practice –Professional Development created to affect changes in teaching and learning practices –Assessments provide a mix that teachers can expect their students to experience on the PARCC/Smarter Balanced Assessments
What If All Students.. Believed effort could enhance their ability to learn? Engaged in new ideas in productive ways? Understood how they learn best? Persisted through struggle? The Academic Youth Development (AYD) family of programs expose educators and students to powerful research, both established and emerging, about the shaping influence that students’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors can have on their success.
Intensified Algebra I Comprehensive algebra course with supports for struggling learners For students entering Algebra I one to two grade levels behind Full-year intervention minutes per day Goals: Students up to par with their peers in one academic year Students successful on high stakes and end of course exam(s) Students prepared for next mathematics course
Changing Beliefs and Attitudes Effective effort Productive Persistence, Improving and getting better at something requires the right kind of effort. Motivation, Engagement Malleable intelligence Intelligence is something that can be influenced and shaped through actions and beliefs. Students experience success by applying these strategies in Algebra readiness problem solving activities AYD strategies:
Algebra Intervention Middle School Mathematics Academic Youth Development Algebra I Intensified Algebra I Intervention Comprehensive Algebra course Full academic year 90 minutes per day Geometry & Advanced Courses
Intensified Algebra Integrated, Cohesive, Program Design
Measuring Our Success with Our Partners The Bronx High School for Law and Community Service serves a population that is 64.4% Hispanic and 30.4% Black, 20% English Language Learners, and 80% Economically Disadvantaged. In , 31% of students taking Algebra I passed New York state’s Regents Exam. The school then implemented our Intensified Algebra I program with all of its students. In , 73.3% of students passed the Regents Exam, an increase of 136%.
Measuring Our Success with Our Partners Glacier Peak High School serves the northern WA town of Snohomish. In , the school implemented the Intensified Algebra I program for students who were struggling in high school math and were determined to be in the bottom half of the school’s leveled system. By the end of the year, the Intensified Algebra I students, originally the lowest performing students in the school outperformed all other Algebra I students on the Algebra End-of-Course exam. Intensified Algebra vs. Regular Algebra I 77.3% pass rate vs. 76.6% pass rate
School-Year AYD Designed for students in grades 8, 9, or 10 Youth development and problem-solving curricula are embedded in brief instructional experiences throughout the year Students apply their new knowledge and skills to learning in all of their courses, and to mathematics in particular 15 The AYD Family of Programs Summer-Start AYD Shapes attitudes, beliefs, and motivation toward learning Strengthens important algebra-readiness concepts and problem-solving skills For students at or near grade level entering Algebra I Summer immersion experience with Algebra I AYD Toolkit for school year An Educator’s Course in AYD PD course for educators interested in key influences on student learning and achievement Blended PD experience that includes an in-person seminar and self-study and collaboration through an online learning community Explores educator practices for enhancing student engagement and achievement Intensified Algebra I Comprehensive course with additional supports for struggling learners For students entering Algebra 1-2 grade levels behind Full-year intervention minutes per day