What is Early Intervention Early Years Intervention to prevent poor attachment- (As in Graham Allen report 2011) Preventative services (preventing what?)
Prevention of significant harm Preventing Costly services or more difficult to manage behaviour –Care ( Accomodation by Local Authority) –Exclusion –Crime –Prison –Mental Health –Health inpatient care
Early intervention Services Early Years Health Visiting Children's centres Pre-school provision aimed at school readiness In schools PFSA’s in schools SEAL programme Learning Support Units Integrated Therapy Resources Team 4 /exclusion prevention In Local Authority Early intervention team Short breaks Young Carers YOT/Team8/ In Health School nurses Right Steps Team –for mental health GPs
PFSA’s Parent and Family Support Advisors Liaison Home / school Parenting help –Triple p parenting programme –Signposting to other agencies »Debt »Housing »Mediation »Learning difficulties »Children's social care »Charities –Support re easy separation issues 1:1 Emotional health work with child (Short term targeted work) –with bereavement –separation – friendships – transition Co-ordination of Team around the Child meetings-TAC CAF- Common Assessment Framework Support to attendance officers-EAO’s
Early Intervention team Type of work undertaken by the EI Pod- 3 Workers in Mendip The EI Pod’s broad remit is to provide parenting support and advice/ individual help to young people. This may be to prevent family breakdown or escalation to other services The EI Pods are likely to work with the following groups; Families where children are being exposed to a very low level domestic abuse / domestic dispute Teenagers exhibiting difficult behaviour Under 5s with young or single parents who are struggling to cope Vulnerable YP with emotional problems who are isolated within their families Keep safe work Where a PFSA is not involved with the family The above should not be regarded as a definitive list. Parenting Support The EI Pods provide Triple P Parenting individually and sometimes in groups, in conjunction with other professionals including Children’s centres and PFSA’s We are also working to develop some volunteers who can provide short term support. The EI Pod team leader is available to PFSA’s for consultation / group supervision and can provide training in the use of CAF.
When you have a concern. Discuss with SENCO –Is the child at risk? If so someone in school needs to discuss with parent unless it is a crisis CP issue, and refer to Somerset Direct Consider referral for Speech and language assessment Consider Raising at Ed Psych Consultation Consider Referral to PFSA / CAF - ( If PFSA cannot be involved –refer to EI team via Somerset Direct) Consider calling a TAC meeting and inviting EI team leader if required
SAFEGUARDING CONCERNS Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Neglect Witnessing Domestic Violence Parental drug/alcohol/substance misuse You need to consider what evidence there is to support your concerns (bruises / child’s reliability) and what evidence would be required to support your concerns. Who when and how should you approach the parent If in doubt discuss with Somerset Direct
Useful links ‘ What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ (DfES 2006) wnload/6840-DfES-IFChildAbuse.pdf SOMERSET DIRECT